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TGAU Daearyddiaeth A CBAC Datblygu Ymholiad Gwaith Maes

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1 TGAU Daearyddiaeth A CBAC Datblygu Ymholiad Gwaith Maes
ar gyfer 2015

2 Tasgau generig ar gyfer yr Ymholiad Gwaith Maes yn 2015
Thema Tasgau generig ar gyfer yr Ymholiad Gwaith Maes yn 2015 1 Ymchwiliad i’r ffactorau sy’n effeithio ffurfiant tirffurf(iau) afon. 4 Ymchwiliad i ffactorau gwthi-tynnu sy’n creu mudiad trefol i gefn gwlad. 6 Ymchwiliad i batrymau ansawdd bywyd mewn un ardal drefol. 7 Ymchwiliad i effeithiau enciliad arfordirol ar bobl. 8 Ymchwiliad i ffactorau sy’n creu amrywiadau yn y tywydd/hinsawdd mewn ardal leol. 9 Ymchwiliad i ecosystem coetir. 10 Ymchwiliad i effeithiau twristiaeth. 11 Ymchwiliad i batrymau gofodol adwerthu mewn ardal benodol. These are the generic tasks for It is essential that you choose one Fieldwork Enquiry from this list of tasks for your current year 10. You may use a task from the same theme in consecutive years eg in 2014 the task was based on sand dunes whereas in 2015 the task must be based on a woodland ecosystem. Please be careful with the theme 4 task – the focus in 2014 was rural to urban in 2014 but in 2015 it will be urban to rural.

3 Beth i’w wneud a pheidio â’i wneud
Wrth gynllunio’r trip maes, ystyriwch yn ofalus yr ystod o dechnegau a thechnolegau sydd ar gael i’r ymgeiswyr. Rydych eisiau iddynt gael ystod mor eang â phosibl. Yn yr un modd, ystyriwch y data y byddant yn eu casglu a sut y byddant yn gallu cyflwyno’r data hynny. Eto, rydych eisiau iddynt gael ystod mor eang â phosibl. Bydd y Cyngor Astudiaethau Maes yn cynnig cyngor ar gasglu data cynradd yn ddiweddarach. Do not limit your candidates’ opportunities to access marks in AO3 by collecting a very limited range of data. For example, candidates are likely to access only the lower levels of AO3 if they can only draw pie charts as an analysis of a questionnaire. Ideally candidates should be able to draw or annotate a map. Geography is a spatial science – but the moderators see very few examples. If you think that your fieldtrip will only produce a limited range of data then you should consider which secondary sources might also be useful to your candidates.

4 Ystyriwch roi rhywfaint o ddata eilaidd i’r holl ymgeiswyr mewn ffolder ymchwil.
Peidiwch â gorlwytho’r ymgeiswyr â gormodedd o ddata eilaidd cefnogol, neu ddeunydd sy’n rhy gymhleth e.e. gwybodaeth o ddogfennau proffesiynol neu wyddonol cymhleth. It is a sensible use of the candidates’ time (in the research phase) to present them with some data you have found and for them to spend their time selecting appropriate information from the folder. It is better to do this than for the candidates to spend (and waste) a lot of time hunting for data on the internet. Choose secondary data carefully so that your candidates have a wider choice when it comes to them refining and presenting data. For example, if your students collected data about the number of tourists visiting a field study site within a National Park, it would be sensible to provide some secondary data on where visitors come from. In that way your candidates will have the opportunity to create a map.

5 Rhowch gyfle i’r ymgeiswyr i fod yn annibynnol drwy wneud y canlynol:
Gosod cwestiynau ymholiad i’w hymchwilio Penderfynu ar strategaethau a dulliau samplu Ychwanegu eu cwestiynau eu hunain at holiaduron Dewis y data y maen nhw am eu prosesu Dewis technegau cyflwyno Gosod cwestiynau a allai gael eu gofyn mewn astudiaethau pellach Do allow candidates the opportunity to be independent. Ideally you should allow them to make decisions about how the enquiry is conducted. However, if this is not possible (eg for reasons of health and safety) they should be encouraged to frame their own geographical enquiry questions. The list on this slide represent a pick and mix approach – it will not be possible (or expected) that every task provides opportunities for independence in each of the bullets (although bullets 4 and 5 should be accessible to almost every candidate).

6 Gwella marciau am GYMHWYSO (AA2) yn yr Ymholiad Gwaith Maes
Asesiad dan Reolaeth – Daearyddiaeth Manyleb A CBAC Gwella marciau am GYMHWYSO (AA2) yn yr Ymholiad Gwaith Maes Damcaniaethau Daearyddol? Cysyniadau Daearyddol? Cysylltiadau ag astudiaethau achos? What is AO2? It is perhaps the most difficult assessment objective to explain to your candidates, so perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised when they don’t provide much evidence of AO2 in their reports.

7 Ydych chi wedi meddwl pam eich bod yn gwneud yr ymholiad hwn?
Beth yw’r cysyniad neu’r ddamcaniaeth sy’n sail i’r ymholiad? Beth rydych yn disgwyl ei ddarganfod? A fydd tueddiad neu batrwm rhagfynegadwy? Sut y gwyddoch? Ydych chi wedi addysgu eich myfyrwyr yn barod am y damcaniaethau / cysyniadau / syniadau daearyddol ehangach sy’n sail i’ch ymholiad? The enquiry process is about testing a geographical concept, pattern, model or theory. Your students should be aware of the wider geographical patterns before they begin their fieldwork enquiry. Their aim should be to use data collected in a specific location to test these wider patterns / theories or concepts. The moderators see examples of tasks where the teacher who designed the task seemed to have no real grasp of what they hoped to achieve from the task or, indeed, what geographical ideas underpinned their task. In these tasks the concept of the enquiry process that engages the student has been replaced by a mechanical process of data collection followed by data analysis and presentation. It is clear that the candidates did not understand why they were conducting the task and have made little or no attempt to apply what they have investigated to their wider geographical understanding. Collecting data, using appropriate fieldwork techniques, is one important step in the enquiry process but it should not replace the process.

8 Pa fath o dystiolaeth AA2 y dylwn edrych amdano wrth farcio’r gwaith?
Ar y lefelau uwch mae ymgeiswyr yn gallu gwneud y canlynol… gwneud cysylltiadau rhwng y lle a astudiwyd a lleoliadau eraill cymhwyso eu Gwybodaeth a Dealltwriaeth am y lleoliad penodol a astudiwyd yn yr Ymholiad Gwaith Maes i’w Gwybodaeth a Dealltwriaeth ddaearyddol ehangach am syniadau / cysyniadau / damcaniaethau / modelau / materion daearyddol rhoi eu darganfyddiadau mewn cyd-destun i osod cwestiynau daearyddol ehangach These are the ways that a candidate can demonstrate AO2 at levels 3 and 4 (in the fieldwork enquiry). I suspect that the first bullet point is the easiest way for a weaker candidate to access level 3 whereas the third bullet point is more demanding. When you apply the mark scheme you should be looking for evidence of any of these types of AO2. The moderators are not looking for lengthy references to case studies or long lists of wider questions. Remember that the candidate has only 5 hours to write their report, so the amount of evidence may only be quite fleeting at level 3. Please do not feel alarmed by the long list in the second bullet point – not all are relevant to a specific piece of work. So, some centres prepare candidates for a river study by teaching the Bradshaw model, others don’t, but instead they compare the specific river to what is expected in a ‘typical’ river, as seen in text books and DVDs. Also, please note that candidates need to pose questions but not necessarily answer them. So, a candidate who visited a river in June when flow conditions were very low might access level 3 AO2 by: ‘I conclude that in the river I visited in June the fastest flow was on the outside bend. Do all rivers always behave in this way? What would I find if I visited the river when its in flood? Would the flow still be faster on the outside bend then?’

9 Paratoi ymgeiswyr am AA2 yn yr Ymholiad Gwaith Maes
Beth yw nodau’r dasg? A wnaeth holl athrawon y ganolfan drafod y cysyniadau daearyddol ehangach sy’n sail i’r dasg wrth ddatblygu? Ydych chi wedi addysgu’r ‘syniadau mawr’ (gan ddefnyddio cyd-destun gwahanol) cyn i chi fynd â’r ymgeiswyr allan i gasglu data? Ydych chi wedi atgoffa’r ymgeiswyr i gyfeirio at y ‘syniadau mawr’ hyn? Ar unrhyw daflenni myfyrwyr e.e. rhai sy’n awgrymu strwythur i’r adroddiad Yn ystod y cam ymchwil pan mae ymgeiswyr yn dewis y data perthnasol AO2 will be ignored by candidates unless we give them every opportunity, and reminder, to address it! Candidates will obviously be seriously disadvantaged if you conduct your CA task before you have taught the theme as clearly they wont know what the big ideas are! Are all the geography teachers aware of the importance of AO2? A new member of department or NQT might need to be reminded of the importance of AO2 before they teach their GCSE class.

10 Creu strwythur sy’n rhoi cyfle i fyfyrwyr gyrraedd marciau AA2
Cyflwyniad Methodoleg Canlyniadau Casgliad Gwerthusiad Pa syniadau mawr roeddem yn eu profi? Beth wnaethom ei ddarganfod? Sut allwn ni egluro’r canlyniadau hyn? Sut mae hyn yn cymharu â’n syniadau mawr? Pa mor ddibynadwy a dilys yw ein gwaith? The traditional structure (left) is fine. It reflects good practice for a scientific enquiry. However, there is no prompt for the candidate to include AO2. I have therefore suggested an alternative structure (right) which would give the candidate plenty of opportunities to address AO2, as well as show their results, draw conclusions and make an evaluation. Please don’t think this is the way a report must be structured – it’s a suggestion. I would be interested to see other suggestions.

11 Gwella marciau am SGILIAU (AA3) yn yr Ymholiad Gwaith Maes
Asesiad dan Reolaeth – Daearyddiaeth Manyleb A CBAC Gwella marciau am SGILIAU (AA3) yn yr Ymholiad Gwaith Maes Sut ydw i’n adnabod cwestiynau perthnasol? Sut ddylwn i gasglu data? Sut ddylwn i fireinio a phrosesu’r data? All candidates can be given guidance about methodology, data collection techniques and data refinement. Indeed, some ‘whole class’ data collection will allow for statistical rigour by individuals in the analysis phase. That said, every opportunity should be given for candidates to show individual skills

12 Gwella cyfleoedd am farciau AA3 gwell
A oes gan ymgeiswyr unrhyw ddewis am dechnegau a thechnolegau casglu data? Ydyn nhw’n cael y cyfle i ddewis y data? Ydyn nhw’n cael y cyfle i adnabod cwestiynau daearyddol? A yw’r data’n caniatau defnyddio amrywiaeth o dechnegau cyflwyno? All candidates should know and understand the mark scheme. An appreciation of what is required beyond Level 2 for AO3 will promote thinking, not least with the data to be collected, refined, presented and analysed.

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