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General Course Issues Integration of the sciences

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1 General Course Issues Integration of the sciences
Progression of the sciences Physics/astronomy to geology/earth sciences to biology Importance of the laboratory Importance of the lectures Importance of the text Multiple opportunities in performance/grading Tests, quizzes, labs and final examination

2 Synopsis Principles of physics, astronomy, chemistry, geology, and biology Dominant theories and laws that underlie how the natural world operates Theories and laws are relevant in every day life Underlying themes across all disciplines (e.g., emergent properties, models, scientific method) Cardinal features of scientific investigations (e.g., scientific method, data visualization, models, data collection), through a combination of computer simulations and hands-on experiments in lab

3 General Course Issues Web site information (syllabus)
Accessibility of instructors Instructor of record for problems Role of laboratory instructors (Kristy Garnet, Sara Clark) Mid-term grades f (examinations) Problems, discussion and resolution Grading

4 Lecture Rationale for lecture versus text Lecture notes on web site
Lateness to lectures Questions in lecture Traditional lectures plus discussion format Quizzes/Exercises Announced in advance…sometimes but not always What is fair game? Form of questions Dropping one Missing and make-up…not an option

5 Laboratories Integral part of course (not optional)
Nature of labs (e.g., computer, hands-on, modeling) Multiple purposes and objectives (e.g., scientific method, data visualization) Role of the lab instructors Lateness to lab Missing lab (excuse) and make-up Weekly “reports” and grading Working in teams plus working on your own Behavior and decorum in lab Lateness of lab report (2 pt/day) Next two week’s lab (Monday’s group with S. Clark) Lab material is fair game for tests

6 Examinations Form of the exams (N=4) Fair game: lecture, text, lab
Short answers (multiple choice, fill in the blank) Short discussion (0.5 page) Long discussion (1 page) Fair game: lecture, text, lab Final examination in December Comprehensive Same format as above Study sessions before exams (if there is a demand)

7 Grading Activity Number Percentage In-Class Exams 4 40 Laboratory
Reports ~10 25 In-Class Quiz/Exercise 7-8 10 Final Exam 1

8 Take Home Message Integration and progression of the sciences
Appreciation of how science is done Appreciation of the principles of the sciences as being logical, rational, systematic and mathematically based Dominant themes in physics, astronomy, geology, and biology Science is NOT as complex and intractable as you think

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