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Michael Ianacone E-Portfolio 2016-2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Michael Ianacone E-Portfolio 2016-2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michael Ianacone E-Portfolio

2 STEAM We made cotton swab teepees Trial and error Make a base for it
We made a giant pinball machine Reflections; I learned that if we all work together we can accomplish anything

3 Robotics It worked my brain and I liked it
It was fun to engineer a good robot design then program it even if it took ten hours It was also fun to compete in the end 6th in CTF Competed in CTF, and maze

4 Khan Academy Khan is a free educational website
For the first two weeks I focused on coding leaning java script Then I started doing internet 101 which I learned how the internet works

5 Reflections I have done many thing over the year including JavaScript, robotics, STEAM, and writing in a packet My favorite was robotics

6 Extended Learning Seminar
We played Mars or Bust, which is a game where you build a building out of paper We then played two truths and a lie, black out bingo, and a game where we pass a description of a picture and the last person draws it out I learned that astronauts risk getting bad vision for the rest of their life by going into space

7 Bibliography %2F _orig.jpg&img academy.html&docid=v4Ks- b8Q9ztaUM&tbnid=s4ZsuhC6fxmxnM%3A&vet=1&w=1842&h=910&bih=667&biw =1366&q=khan%20academy&ved=0ahUKEwiaj_SissfSAhVE3mMKHaWVAlMQMwh UKAUwBQ&iact=mrc&uact=8

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