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Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation

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1 Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation
CRM-ISM Colloquium Université Laval The New World of Infinite Random Geometric Graphs Anthony Bonato Ryerson University

2 Complex networks in the era of Big Data
web graph, social networks, biological networks, internet networks, … Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

3 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Hidden geometry vs Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

4 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Blau space OSNs live in social space or Blau space: each user identified with a point in a multi-dimensional space coordinates correspond to socio-demographic variables/attributes homophily principle: the flow of information between users is a declining function of distance in Blau space Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

5 Random geometric graphs
n nodes are randomly placed in the unit square each node has a constant sphere of influence, radius r nodes are joined if their Euclidean distance is at most r Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

6 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Spatially Preferred Attachment (SPA) model (Aiello, Bonato, Cooper, Janssen, Prałat,08) volume of sphere of influence proportional to in-degree nodes are added and spheres of influence shrink over time a.a.s. leads to power laws graphs, low directed diameter, and small separators Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

7 Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation
Into the infinite

8 Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation
111 110 101 011 100 010 001 000 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

9 Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation
Properties of R limit graph is countably infinite every finite graph gets added eventually infinitely often holds also for countable graphs add an exponential number of vertices at each time-step Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

10 Existentially closed (e.c.)
Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation Existentially closed (e.c.) ∀ A, B finite example of an adjacency property ∃z solution Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

11 Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation
Categoricity e.c. captures R in a strong sense Theorem (Fraïssé,53) Any two countable e.c. graphs are isomorphic. Proof: back-and-forth argument. Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

12 Explicit construction
Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation Explicit construction V = primes congruent to 1 (mod 4) E: pq an edge if 𝑝 𝑞 =1 undirected by quadratic reciprocity solutions to adjacency problems exist by: Chinese remainder theorem Dirichlet’s theorem on primes in arithmetic progression Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

13 Infinite random graphs
Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation Infinite random graphs G(N,1/2): V = N E: sample independently with probability ½ Theorem (Erdős,Rényi,63) With probability 1, two graphs sampled from G(N,1/2) are e.c., and so isomorphic to R. Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

14 Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation
Proof sketch show that with probability 1, any given adjacency problem has a solution given A and B, a solution doesn’t exist with probability (1− 𝑎+𝑏 ) 𝑁 =o 1 countable union of measure 0 sets is measure 0. NB: proof works for p ∈ (0,1). Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

15 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Properties of R diameter 2 universal indestructible indivisible pigeonhole property axiomatizes almost sure theory of graphs Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

16 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
More on R A. Bonato, A Course on the Web Graph, AMS, 2008. P.J. Cameron, The random graph, In: Algorithms and Combinatorics 14 (R.L. Graham and J. Nešetřil, eds.), Springer Verlag, New York (1997) P.J. Cameron, The random graph revisited, In: European Congress of Mathematics Vol. I (C. Casacuberta, R. M. Miró-Roig, J. Verdera and S. Xambó-Descamps, eds.), Birkhauser, Basel (2001) Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

17 And now for something completely different

18 Graphs in normed spaces
fix a normed space: S eg: 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞; ℓpd : Rd with Lp-norm p < ∞: 𝑥 𝑝 = 𝑛 𝑥 𝑛 𝑝 1/𝑝 p = ∞: 𝑥 𝑝 = max 𝑛 𝑥 𝑛 V: set of points in S E: adjacency determined by relative distance Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

19 Aside: unit balls in ℓp spaces
balls converge to square as p → ∞ Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

20 Random geometric graphs
Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

21 Local Area Random Graph (LARG) model
parameters: p in (0,1) a normed space S V: a countable set in S E: if || u – v || < 1, then uv is an edge with probability p Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

22 Geometric existentially closed (g.e.c.)
∀ A, B finite ∀𝛿<1 ∃z 𝛿 1 ∀ x Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

23 Properties following from g.e.c
locally R vertex sets are dense Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

24 LARG graphs almost surely g.e.c.
1-geometric graph: g.e.c. and 1-threshold: adjacency only may occur if distance < 1 Theorem (BJ,11) With probability 1, and for any fixed p, LARG generates 1-geometric graphs. proof analogous to Erdős-Rényi result for R 1-geometric graphs “look like” R in their unit balls, but can have diameter > 2 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

25 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Geometrization lemma in some settings, graph distance approximates the space’s metric geometry Lemma (BJ,11) If G = (V,E) is a 1-geometric graph and V is convex, then 𝑑 𝐺 𝑥,𝑦 = 𝑑 𝑥,𝑦 +1. graph distance integrally-approximates metric distance Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

26 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Step-isometries S and T normed spaces, f: S → T is a step-isometry if 𝑑 𝑆 𝑥,𝑦 = 𝑑 𝑇 𝑓(𝑥),𝑓(𝑦) . restriction of notion of isometry remove floors captures integer distances only in R equivalent to: int(x) = int(f(x)) frac(x) < frac(y) iff frac(f(x)) < frac((y)) Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

27 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Example: ℓ∞ V: dense countable set in R E: LARG model integer distance free (IDF) set pairwise ℓ∞ distance non-integer dense sets contain idf dense sets “random” countable dense sets are idf Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

28 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Categoricity countable V is Rado if the LARG graphs on it are isomorphic with probability 1 Theorem (BJ,11) Dense idf sets in ℓ∞d are Rado for all d > 0. new class of infinite graphs GRd which are unique limit objects of random graph processes in normed spaces Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

29 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Sketch of proof for d = 1 back-and-forth build partial isomorphism from V = V(t) and W = W(t) to be a step-isomorphism via induction add v not in V, and go-forth (back similar) a = max{frac(f(u)): u ∈ V, frac(u) < frac(v)}, b = min{frac(f(u)): u ∈ V, frac(u) > frac(v)} a < b, as fractional parts distinct by idf want f(v) to satisfy: int(f(v)) = int(v) frac(f(v)) ∈ [a,b) I = (int(v) + a, int(v) + b) choose vertex in 𝐼∩𝑊 (using density) will maintain step-isometry in (IS) use g.e.c. to find f(v) in co-domain correctly joined to W. Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

30 The new world

31 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Properties of GRd symmetry: step-isometric isomorphisms of finite induced subgraphs extend to automorphisms indestructible locally R, but infinite diameter Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

32 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Dimensionality equilateral dimension D of normed space: maximum number of points equal distance p = ∞: D = 2d points of hypercube p = 1: Kusner’s conjecture: D = 2d proven only for d ≤ 4 equilateral clique number of a graph, ω3: max |A| so that A has all vertices of graph distance 3 apart Theorem (BJ,15) ω3(GRd) = 2d. if d ≠ d’, then GRd ≄ GRd’ Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

33 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Euclidean distance Lemma (BJ,11) In ℓ22, every step-isometry is an isometry. countable dense V is strongly non-Rado if any two such LARG graphs on V are with probability 1 not isomorphic Corollary (BJ,11) All countable dense sets in ℓ22 are strongly non-Rado. non-trivial proof, but ad hoc Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

34 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Honeycomb metric Theorem (BJ,12) Almost all countable dense sets R2 with the honeycomb metric are strongly non-Rado. Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

35 Enter functional analysis
Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation Enter functional analysis (Balister,Bollobás,Gunderson,Leader,Walters,17+) Let S be finite-dimensional normed space not isometric to ℓ∞d . Then almost all countable dense sets in S are strongly non-Rado. proof uses functional analytic tools: ℓ∞-decomposition Mazur-Ulam theorem properties of extreme points in normed spaces Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

36 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
ℓ∞d are special spaces ℓ∞d are the only finite-dimensional normed spaces where almost all countable sets are Rado interpretation: ℓ∞d is the only space whose geometry is approximated by graph structure Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

37 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Questions classify which countable dense sets are Rado in ℓ∞d same question, but for finite-dimensional normed spaces. what about infinite dimensional spaces? Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

38 Infinitely many parallel universes

39 Classical Banach spaces
C(X): continuous function on a compact Hausdorff space X eg: C[0,1] ℓ∞ bounded sequences c: convergent sequences c0: sequences convergent to 0 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

40 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Separability a normed space is separable if it contains a countable dense set C[0,1], c, and c0 are separable  ℓ∞ and ω1 are not separable Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

41 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Heirarchy c c0 Banach-Mazur C(X) Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

42 Graphs on sequence spaces
fix V a countable dense set in c LARG model defined analogously to the finite dimensional case NB: countably infinite graph defined over infinite-dimensional space Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

43 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Rado sets in c Lemma (BJ,Quas,17+): Almost all countable sets in c are dense and idf. Theorem (BJQ,17+): Almost all countable sets in c are Rado. Ideas of proof: Lemma: functional analysis Proof of Theorem somewhat analogous to ℓ∞d more machinery to deal with the fractional parts of limits of images in back-and-forth argument Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

44 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Rado sets in c0 Theorem (BJ,17+): There exist countable dense in c0 that are Rado. idea: consider the subspace of sequences which are eventually 0 almost all countable sets in this subspace are dense and idf Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

45 The curious geometry of sequence spaces

46 Geometric structure: c vs c0
c vs c0 are isomorphic as vector spaces not isometrically isomorphic: c contains extreme points eg: (1,1,1,1, …) unit ball of c0 contains no extreme points Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

47 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Graph structure: c vs c0 Theorem (BJ,17+) The graphs G(c) and G(c0) are not isomorphic to any GRd. G(c) and G(c0) are non-isomorphic. in G(c0), N≤3(x) contains: 3 3 6 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

48 Interpolating the space from the graph
Theorem (BJQ,17+) Suppose V and W are Banach spaces with dense sets X and Y. If G and H are the 1-geometric graphs on X and Y (resp) and are isomorphic, then there is a surjective isometry from V to W. hidden geometry: if we know LARG graphs almost surely, then we can recover the Banach space! Idea - use Dilworth’s theorem: δ-surjective ε-isometries of Banach spaces are uniformly approximated by genuine isometries Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

49 Continuous functions

50 Dense sets in C[0,1] (AJQ,17+)
piecewise linear functions and polynomials almost all sets are smoothly dense Brownian motion path functions almost all sets are IC-dense Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

51 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Isomorphism in C[0,1] Theorem (AJQ,17+) Smoothly dense sets give rise to a unique isotype of LARG graphs: GR(SD). Almost surely IC-sets give rise to a unique isotype of LARG graphs: GR(ICD). Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

52 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Non-isomorphism Theorem (AJQ,17+) The graphs GR(SD) and GR(ICD) are non-isomorphic. Idea: Dilworth’s theorem and Banach-Stone theorem: isometries on C[0,1] induce homeomorphisms on [0,1] Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

53 Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato
Questions “almost all” countable sets in C[0,1] are Rado? need a suitable measure of random continuous function which Banach spaces have Rado sets? program: interplay of graph structure and the geometry of Banach spaces Infinite random geometric graphs - Anthony Bonato

54 Contact Web:
Blog: @Anthony_Bonato

55 Merci!

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