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Key findings of the Country Report for Slovenia 2018

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1 Key findings of the Country Report for Slovenia 2018
Ljubljana, 16 March 2018 István P. Székely Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs

2 2013 2015 2018 No imbalances Imbalances Excessive imbalances Programme countries

3 Slovenia back to pre-crisis level in real GDP
Robust GDP growth Slovenia back to pre-crisis level in real GDP Source: SORS and ECFIN calculations

4 Current account balance
Is this a good balance? Current account balance Source: Eurostat

5 NPL declining, lending growing
NPL and private sector debt Loans to private sector Note: NPL 2017 data are until Q Source: Eurostat and European Central Bank Source: European Central Bank

6 Time to strengthen public finance General government balance
Public debt General government balance Source: European Commission Autumn Forecast Source: European Commission Autumn Forecast

7 Going forward…

8 Potential growth below pre-crisis
Source: European Commission, DG ECFIN

9 Investment lagging behind Investment dynamics by type
Investment gap Investment dynamics by type Source: Eurostat Source: Eurostat

10 Productivity: challenges and strengths
Business environment Innovation and R&D Source: European Commission based on: Product Market Regulation: OECD (2017); Venture capital investments: OECD (2016); Cost Needed to Start a Business: European Commission (2016); Connectivity: OECD (2017). Note: Value equal 10 (zero) means that Slovenia is the best (worst) performer. The EU average is 5. Source: European Commission based on: Product Market Regulation: OECD (2017); Venture capital investments: OECD (2016); Cost Needed to Start a Business: European Commission (2016); Connectivity: OECD (2017).

11 Long-term sustainability Age related expenditure 2016-2070
Drivers Source: The 2018 Ageing Report (forthcoming)


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