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Accurate sensorless lead-through programming for lightweight robots in structured environments Paolo Rocco ERF Workshop on Teaching by Demonstration.

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Presentation on theme: "Accurate sensorless lead-through programming for lightweight robots in structured environments Paolo Rocco ERF Workshop on Teaching by Demonstration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accurate sensorless lead-through programming for lightweight robots in structured environments Paolo Rocco ERF Workshop on Teaching by Demonstration for Industrial Applications – Edinburgh, March 22, 2017

2 The problem Lead through programming Intuitive method for robot programming Reduces the complexity of the programming phase Setting up of a robotic application becomes easier and faster

3 The problem Lead through programming It needs additional hardware (F/T sensor) It is not accurate It can be unsafe

4 M. Ragaglia, A.M. Zanchettin, L. Bascetta, P. Rocco
The approach It needs additional hardware It is not accurate It can be unsafe Sensorless LTP (model-based force/torque estimator) Voting system to identify a Cartesian direction of motion Constraint-based controller with safety constraints M. Ragaglia, A.M. Zanchettin, L. Bascetta, P. Rocco “Accurate sensorless lead-through programming for lightweight robots in structured environments” Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 39, pp. 9-21, June 2016

5 The approach

6 The finite state machine (with the voting system)

7 Constraint-based control with obstacle avoidance
Best tracking of the output of the admittance filter, subject to several constraints. Obstacle avoidance constraints

8 Experimental setup without obstacles with obstacles

9 An experiment of lead-through programming

10 What’s next? Use of more complete dynamic models Improve the smoothness of the robot motion Technology transfer to industry


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