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WWII Poster.

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1 WWII Poster

2 Propaganda Techniques
Bandwagon- This technique attempts to sell something based upon the notion that everyone is buying or believing it. Good Ole Days- This technique attempts to sell a product or idea on the basis that the product or idea will help the buyer return to a simpler lifestyle characteristic of the good ole days. Plain Folks- This technique attempts to sell a product by indicating that the product is good because it was designed to meet the needs of everyday people. Testimonials- This technique shows a well known person endorsing a product with the implication that this person knows best in this instance. Heartstrings- This technique uses human emotions to sell a product. Transfer- This technique attempts to increase the lure of something by associating it with something else that is well accepted. New and Improved- This technique implies that a product is best because being new and being improved are desirable attributes to be seriously considered when making choices. Labeling- This technique attempts to influence peoples’ thinking about people, places, and things through carefully chosen terms that carry strong connotations or a pejorative or praiseworthy nature. Card Stacking- This technique attempts to mislead people by providing only untrue and half-true facts or by not providing pertinent information. That’s Incredible- This technique attempts to sell a product by using catchy phrases and powerful modifiers. Repetition: The product’s name is repeated at least four times. Flag Waving: The use of patriotism to sell a product Snob Appeal: Making you feel that you will be part of an elite group if you try product X or Y Exigency: Act now and….. or…… immediate action required Loaded words and phrases: words that have a strong positive or negative connotation. Name-calling: insulting one to make the other look better Red-herring: Distractions from important information, so you don’t pay attention.






8 WWII Propaganda Posters
Create a propaganda poster that could have been used during the American home front. Encourage Americans to: Enlist in the armed forces (Army, Navy, Marines) Buy war bonds Guard against spying Encouraging Americans to follow the rationing system Conserve food or other war materials (metal, rubber, oil…) Encouraging women/ minorities to enter the work force. You poster must: Clearly show one of the areas of support listed above Have a picture or drawing that represents what you want Americans to do. A slogan or statement that goes along with the area you want Americans to support. 4) Must be neat, colorful and historically accurate. Must use one or more of the propaganda techniques talked about in class. On the back of your poster, summarize the area you are asking Americans to support, and which propaganda technique(s) you used to persuade them.

9 WWII Propaganda Posters
4 3 2 1 In addition to level 3, student was able to make current/historical connections when explaining and analyzing how Americans supported the war effort at home front during WWII. Student was able to explain and analyze how Americans supported the war effort at home during WWII. Student was able to identify how Americans supported the war effort at home during WWII. Student was unable to identify how Americans supported the war effort at home during WWII.

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