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Christian Attitudes towards the Role and Status of Women – Student D

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1 Christian Attitudes towards the Role and Status of Women – Student D

2 Today’s Lesson Objectives
To reflect on the present day status of women in the UK. To understand the role of women within the Catholic and Church of England Christian Denominations. To evaluate the complementarian and egalitarian Christian perspectives on the role of women in society, and therefore consider the question: should women be allowed to be ordained into ministry?

3 Status of Women within the UK
There have been significant changes in the position of women in British society since the 19th Century. In that century fewer than 15% of women were involved in work, and whilst women had some legal rights of property ownership, all of their property was transferred to their husband upon marriage. 1882 – Women legally entitled to own property after marriage 1928 – Universal Suffrage (everyone able to vote if over age of 21) 1970 – Equal Pay Act, prevents unequal pay and treatment in the work place 1975 – Sexual Discrimination Act – prevents discrimination on grounds of sex Do you feel as if there is equality between men and women in the UK?

4 Status of Women in the Church of England and Roman Catholic Church
Church of England: Prior to 1985 women were excluded from ordination into ministry. In that year, the General Synod voted to allow women to become Deacons (a position below priesthood). In 1992 the restriction on women’s ordination into priesthood was removed by the Synod, and recently in November 2014 the Synod voted to permit the ordination of women Bishops. All of these decisions were highly controversial within the church. Roman Catholic Church: It is not possible for a women to be ordained into priesthood within the Catholic tradition. This is grounded in the belief that all priests are successors of Jesus’ apostles and since Jesus appointed only men, the role is not accessible for women. “Only a baptized man validly receives sacred ordination.” Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraph 1577

5 Complementarian Perspective
The Complementarian view maintains that men and women’s roles in society should complement/balance each other. Although this means their roles are fundamentally different, neither sex is considered inferior and both are equally valuable. Different roles – in family, in society, occupationally, in the church Biblical Support – 1 Timothy. 2:12 “I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent” – also see 1 Corinthians 11 and Ephesians 5:22 for submissive role of woman to man. Adam and Eve, Adam has initial responsibility, eve created to be Adams helper Genesis 2 and Adam chastised before Eve. Does this promote a patriarchy? Can we understand this biblical support literally or is it of its time and therefore not suitable in modern society?

6 Egalitarian Perspective
Christians who advocate egalitarianism with regards to gender argue that men and women are equal in all aspects on the basis that all humans are created in God’s image (ontological equality) and both are giver responsibility to rule of God’s creation (i.e. functional equality.) Biblical Support: Genesis 1:26-27 – no distinction between man and woman. There are examples of female leadership within the Bible including Miriam Exodus. 15, Huldah 2 Kings 22 and Deborah Judges 4-5. Also examples of women involved in Jesus ministry, see Luke 8:1-3 and female involvement in the early church, see Romans 16:1. Many egalitarian Christians perceive ideas of male domination as a reflection of the historical context in which the Bible was composed.

7 Should women be allowed to be ordained as Church ministers
Should women be allowed to be ordained as Church ministers? – Discuss in groups of three your assigned position, For or Against and be prepared to debate with the whole class. The Biblical references and BBC article provide some useful material!

8 Research further arguments for and against the complementarian attitude towards the role of women.
Then produce one side of A4 in response to the question “Is a complementarian view of women convincing from a Christian perspective?”

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