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Urgent Care Dr Stewart Findlay.

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1 Urgent Care Dr Stewart Findlay

2 CONSULTATION Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield (DDES) Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) ran the Urgent Care consultation over a period of 12 weeks from 14th March to 6th June 2016 There were over 2770 local people involved in the consultation. 242 people attended the 9 Public meetings and 2 roadshows 2 x Minor Injury Units open 24 hours a day 7 days a week with 12 hours access to x-ray. 9 ‘hubs’ or Primary Care Services as they are now known to see all minor ailments/illness activity by offering extra appointments through the day and an enhanced service between 6pm and 8pm on an evening and 8am – 1pm on weekends. In addition primary care are offering same day urgent appointments in 40 GP practices . DDES no longer have ANY walk in facilities. All services are now pre -booked.

3 Service Change from 1 April 2017
2 x Minor Injury Units open 24 hours a day Open 7 days a week 12 hours access to x-ray. 9 ‘hubs’ or Primary Care Services extra appointments through the day enhanced service between 6pm and 8pm on an evening 8am – 1pm on weekends. In addition primary care are offering same day urgent appointments in 40 GP practices . DDES no longer has ANY walk in facilities. All services are now pre -booked. 2 x Minor Injury Units open 24 hours a day 7 days a week with 12 hours access to x-ray. 9 ‘hubs’ or Primary Care Services as they are now known to see all minor ailments/illness activity by offering extra appointments through the day and an enhanced service between 6pm and 8pm on an evening and 8am – 1pm on weekends. In addition primary care are offering same day urgent appointments in 40 GP practices . DDES no longer have ANY walk in facilities. All services are now pre -booked.

4 PICOMMUNICATION Pocket guide co-produced with patient reference group, federations, practices and CDDFT Delivered to every household in March Supported by a robust radio campaign Talk before you walk Proving successful and message received

5 LEADING THE WAY Full assurance from NHS England on business case and public engagement NHS England outcomes already met for the new primary care access targets Practices and providers using the same IT system and remotely booking patients Collaborative working across the system with dedicated support from the CCG. Early indication supports there are a lot less patients now accessing services inappropriately

6 OUTCOME Reduced activity by 43% in Urgent Care
Reduced A&E activity by 2.5% We now have patients accessing the correct services closer to home removed much duplication in the system Questionnaire developed by our engagement team support of our PRG members for anyone who has accessed the new service feedback on their experience so we can measure the improvements County Durham and Darlington Local A&E Delivery Board (LADB) The LADB brings partners health and social care together to improving Accident and Emergency (A&E) performance.  There are five main improvements

7 Brings Together all Partners Priorities
Local A+E Delivery Board Brings Together all Partners Priorities GP Streaming NHS 111 and Clinical Advice New Ambulance Response Programme Reducing arrival to clear times SAFER bundle DTOC Discharge to assess Proactive visiting service County Durham and Darlington Local A&E Delivery Board (LADB) The LADB brings partners health and social care together to improving Accident and Emergency (A&E) performance.  There are five main improvements

8 Did we get it right…….. ????? Table Top Discussions
Were you aware of our consultation? What messages did you pick up and remember from pocket guide? What could we do have done better? Do you know what to do if you or one of your family members needs urgent care? If anyone has accessed the service, is there any feedback on their experience

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