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World War I (The Great War) & the Middle East

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1 World War I (The Great War) & the Middle East
Reasons Germany wanted to side with the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) Build a railroad from Germany to the Persian Gulf: Trade Route Easier to control railroad if they owned the land: wanted to win Europe in war, and then take over Turkish lands. (Turkey didn’t know this!) Reasons the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) wanted to side with Germany Wanted the Caucasus region from Russia and thought Germany was strong enough to defeat Russia

2 World War I (The Great War) & the Middle East
Reasons the British wanted to get involved Britain converted ships to be powered by oil. Needed to keep Middle Eastern oil fields in friendly hands: continue supply and/or lower prices. Keep Germans from using Basra, Iraq as a submarine base Protect India from German attack (India was a British colony at the time) Balfour Declaration: British promised the Jews that if they fought in WWI on their side they would establish a Jewish homeland.

3 World War I (The Great War) & the Middle East
Why was British General Thomas Lawrence more successful as a leader than Churchill in WWI? He had studied Arab culture, traveled in the region, knew and understood the people. Organized the Arabs to unite them instead of bullying them to take over. Movie: Lawrence of Arabia (PRACTICE QUESTIONS ON PG.120)

4 The Mandate System Woodrow Wilson (US President) proposed a 14 point peace plan (After WWI). Purpose: to prevent another World War. Pt 5: Create a parent/child ruling situation… we will rule you until you can (Mandate system) “A country placed under the control of another power by international agreement.” European powers promised to give back power at a certain date.” (Book pG 450) Pt 14: Create a League of Nations (Fell apart because countries kept arguing and refused to participate) Purpose: Equal say between countries so the small countries are not bullied by the larger ones.

5 The Mandate System Turkey
All former Turkish lands in the Middle East were ruled by either Britain or France. (Test Question) Turkey Mustapha Kemal (Nickname Ataturk) replaced the sultans as leader/president (democracy) and ended the caliphate. Was this a true democracy? No! There was no voting: only appointing. (True democracy = people vote for leaders) He ended polygamy (poly = many, gamy = wife) or having more than one wife. Women became free from traditional Muslim dress and were allowed to have a job if they chose to. He built roads and railroads increased trade  increased profit  economy gets stronger. Allowed Turkey to get on its feet.

6 The Mandate System Syria and Lebanon
France had trouble taking control and setting up a new gov’t because Syria wanted to rule themselves. Syria revolted, France attacked to regain order  Syria being allowed to set up gov’t if France was allowed to control Foreign policy ruled by France, 1945 became independent. Lebanon  mostly Christian and was free to rule themselves.  Nationalism (people of same culture bonding together to create 1 country) 1941 full independence.

7 The Mandate System Jordan: Got on its feet without revolt = ran by King Abdullah (parliamentary monarchy) Iraq British Mandate Ruled by king: Parliamentary monarchy Roads built: telephones put in, etc. Drilling for oil Problems: 1. Didn’t like British 2. Arguing with Turkey over Boundary Disputes 3. after king died revolt! (History’s repeating itself today!)

8 The Mandate System British controlled oil
Iran: Independent British controlled oil Shah= Religious ruler, Muslim religious ruler  Sharia becomes law Expanded education Built roads and railroads US controlling oil  growing resentment.

9 Conflict over Palestine
After WWI, Great Britain controlled Palestine. Zionism brought Jews back to Palestine after WWII. Arabs were already living there! 1947 the UN established, under USA & GB suggestion, Israel. Divided Palestine into two parts. 1948 Jews declared Israel independent, surrounding Arab countries declared war! Arab-Israeli War Palestinians fled to surrounding countries. Formed the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization), and named Yasser Arafat the leader. 1979 Egypt became the 1st country to sign a peace treaty (President Sadat). Arab countries still continued to fight. 1993 the PLO recognized Israel and Israel gave some Palestinian land back.

10 Modern Turkey Mustafa Kemal
Was the father of Turkey (given to him by the legislature). He created a democratic government: Legislature called Grand National Assembly. Renamed Ottoman Empire to Turkey. Eliminated the Caliphate and Sharia Law. Westernized cities after European cities. Replaced the Arabic calendar & alphabet with the English version. Required to have last names Closed all schools founded upon Islam.

11 Modern Turkey Women in Turkey Citizens Rights kurds
Could divorce their husbands. Eliminated the tradition of arranged marriage w/o the brides consent. Women could now vote for office. (Tansu Ciller was 1st female Prime Minister in the 1990’s. Citizens Rights Freedom of religion, speech, press, etc. However, sometimes they are heavily censored. kurds Ethnic group who live in SE. Turkey, E. Syria. N Iraq, and NW. Iran. Slightly nomadic because the countries discriminate against them, sometimes killing them (genocide). Turkey wanted to join NATO- (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the EU- (European Union) for political and economic benefits.

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