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Avoid Medications Known to Increase Triglyceride Levels

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1 Avoid Medications Known to Increase Triglyceride Levels
Thiazides Beta blockers Estrogen Tamoxifen Isotretinoin Protease inhibitors 2nd generation antipsychotics Glucocorticoids Sertraline What do you avoid? This is an important aspect for adults because oftentimes without recognizing a lot of drugs that we use in practice can adversely affect triglyceride levels. This can be enough to put the patient into that zone where they're getting much higher triglyceride levels and promoting the production of pancreatitis. The ones I worry about the most especially for women, it's been clearly an inducer of severe hypertriglyceridemia and pancreatitis in women has been estrogen therapies. That's something even birth control pills have put women, young women in developing pancreatitis. Be very careful about what they use in that regard. Thiazide diuretics, beta blockers, other hormonal therapies, tamoxifen, protease inhibitors, any type of antipsychotic which promote triglyceride levels. Of course steroids, sertraline is an antidepressant can be a stimulus of triglyceride production. All of these things need to be avoided when you're thinking about a patient that has FCS. Leaf DA. Am J Med. 2008;121:10-12.

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