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Class Expectations: Give 100%. Keep your “bees” Don’t take yourself

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Presentation on theme: "Class Expectations: Give 100%. Keep your “bees” Don’t take yourself"— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Expectations: Give 100%. Keep your “bees” Don’t take yourself
too seriously. Normal doesn’t exist! You are always weird compared to somebody.

2 Give 100% Put forth your best effort, trusting that I will do the same. What this means: Follow the “BIG 3” Be present and attentive. Complete all assignments thoroughly and on time. Ask for help when you don’t understand.

3 Keep your “bees” My expectations for classroom behavior.
Mutual respect for… Teacher Fellow students Property It’s less about following rules and more about being considerate and creating a classroom culture in which learning can happen.

4 Don’t take yourself too seriously.
I’m a little weird. I know that and I like it. You’re weird too… … you just might not know it yet. Classroom activities: If everyone takes part, nobody feels strange. Let’s practice… Super-focus!

5 What you will need… Please, please, PLEASE take the responsibility to be prepared in my class!

6 Required supplies Composition notebook 3-prong folder with pockets
Pencils Blue or black pens Clear tape

7 Strongly encouraged Scissors Glue stick Colored pencils

8 You will use it EVERY DAY!
Interactive Notebook You will use it EVERY DAY!

9 Interactive Science Notebook
Where you keep virtually all your assignments Composition Notebook Keep it organized! Title page Table of contents Page numbers

10 Notebook Organization
Right-hand pages Odd-numbered “input” pages Notes and activities completed as a class Mostly black and white Information Left-hand pages Even-numbered “output” pages What you do with what I give you Color and creativity Summarizing & synthesizing

11 Sample pages…

12 The Advantage: Whole-Brain Learning

13 Only the essentials all in one place.
Student Folder Only the essentials all in one place.

14 Student folder 3-prong folder with pockets What goes inside…
Course outline Weekly Essentials pages Organized by date and COMPLETE Important handouts “Non-notebook” assignments Take-home assessments Project instructions & rubrics

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