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Datblygiad dynol gydol oes Human lifespan development

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1 Datblygiad dynol gydol oes Human lifespan development
Uned 1. Jean Jones Medi 2014

2 Cyfnodau bywyd Life stages
Cyfnodau bywyd ydy’r camau y mae pobl yn mynd drwyddynt yn ystod eu bywyd. Babandod (0-2 oed) Plentyndod cynnar (3-8 oed) Llencyndod (9-18 oed) Oedolyn ifanc (19-45 oed) Canol oed (46-65 oed) Oedolyn hŷn (65+ oed) Life stages are a number of phases that people pass through during their lives. Infancy (0-2 years) Early childhood ( 3-8 years) Adolescence (9-18 years) Early adulthood ( years) Middle adulthood (46-65 years) Late adulthood (65+ years)

3 Cyfnodau bywyd Life stages
Pa gyfnod bywyd? What life stage?

4 Homework Task! Tasg Gwaith Cartref!
Creu poster yn dangos pobl o gyfnodau bywyd gwahanol. Cewch ei arlunio neu ei gwblhau ar gyfrifiadur. Defnyddiwch luniau. Ceisiwch ei wneud mor ddiddorol â phosib. Create a poster identifying people you know from the different life stages. This may be drawn or completed on computer. Pictures should be used. Make it as interesting as possible.

5 Growth and development Tyfu a datblygu
Wrth i ni fynd drwy gyfnodau bywyd byddwn yn tyfu a datblygu mewn ffyrdd gwahanol. Newid mewn maint neu bwysau ydy tyfu. Sut gellir ei fesur? Mae datblygu yn wahanol gan ei fod yn golygu dysgu sgiliau a galluoedd newydd. As we pass through the life stages, we will grow and develop in different ways. Growth is a change in size or weight. It can be measured how? Development is different as it means learning new skills and capabilities.

6 Growth and development Tyfu a datblygu
Pan fyddwn yn astudio tyfu a datblygu drwy gyfnodau bywyd byddwn yn edrych ar feysydd gwahanol: Corfforol Deallusol Emosiynol Cymdeithasol PIES yn Saesneg When we study growth and development through the life stages we look at different areas: Physical Intellectual Emotional Social Also known as PIES.

7 Datblygiad Corfforol Physical development
This area of development has two parts. Gross motor skills – the ability to control and coordinate the movement of the large limbs of the body. Crawling, walking running. Mae gan y maes hwn ddwy ran. Sgiliau echddygol bras – y gallu i reoli a chydlynu symudiadau’r corff Cropian, cerdded, rhedeg.

8 Datblygiad Corfforol Physical development
Sgiliau echddygol manwl Y gallu i reoli a chydlynu symudiadau y dwylo a’r bysedd. Ysgrifennu, clymu carrai, codi tegan. Fine motor skills The ability to control and coordinate the movements of the hands and fingers. Writing, tying shoelaces, picking a toy.

9 Datblygiad deallusol Intellectual development.
DATBLYGIAD DEALLUSOL- mae datblygiad iaith yn rhan o’r maes hwn hefyd. Datblygiad meddwl, rhesymu, adnabyddiaeth a dealltwriaeth. Mae’n cael ei adnabod fel Datblygiad deallusol,dysgu siarad,darllen ac ysgrifennu. INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT- language development is a part of this too. The development of the mind, reasoning and understanding. This is known as intellectual development, learning to talk, read and write.

10 Datblygiad Emosiynol Emotional development
Datblygiad mewn teimladau a sut maent yn effeithio ein hymddygiad. Fel mae person yn aeddfedu mae’n profi llawer iawn o emosiynau gwahanol ac yn cael gwell dealltwriaeth o deimladau eraill. Hefyd maent yn datblygu teimladau am eu hunangysyniad a dysgu sut i reoli eu hymddygiad. Development in feelings and how they effect our behaviour. As the person matures he/she experiences different emotions and has a better understanding of others. Also he/she develops self-concept and learns how to control his/her feelings.

11 Datblygiad Cymdeithasol Social development
Edrych ar berthynas a sut mae person yn dysgu dealltwriaeth am eraill a datblygu sgiliau i allu cyd-dynnu ag eraill. Mae hefyd yn edrych ar ofal personol, chwarae a dysgu cydweithio mewn grwpiau a rhannu. Hefyd ‘rydym yn dysgu am beth yw disgwyliadau pobl ohonom mewn gwahanol sefyllfaoedd. Gelwir hyn yn Gymdeithasoli. Looking at relationships and how the person becomes aware of others and develops skills to engage with others. It also looks at personal care, playing and learning to co-operate in groups and to share. Also we’re learning what people’s expectations of us are in different situations. This is called socialization.

12 Tasg/Task! GWAITH GRŴP Ystyriwch eich cyfnod bywyd CORFFOROL DEALLUSOL
EMOSIYNOL CYMDEITHASOL Pa anghenion sylfaenol sydd eu hangen arnoch i ddatblygu? Ceisiwch resymu pam? Group Task Consider your life stage PHYSICAL INTELLECTUAL EMOTIONAL SOCIAL What basic needs to you need to develop. Try to reason why?


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