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Mathematics in Georgia

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1 Mathematics in Georgia
District Mathematics Supervisors April 12, 2016 Brooke Kline Turtle Toms Sandi Woodall Good morning everyone – we appreciate your time today. We know that we have not gathered in a webinar forum in a long time, but we felt that some of the information you will need as you close out the school and plan for the school year is best addressed in a conversation with you today.

2 Update Topics MOWR College Algebra
New High School Fourth Mathematics Course College Readiness Mathematics Resource Revisions and Additions Move On When Ready Course Coding State Math Team Changes This session will focus on the topics listed above. However, please feel free to type in questions and concerns about any mathematics issues you have as we progress through this session. I am certain that others will have the same question and will benefit from your comments. We will respond to your questions following the informational session. For your future reference, we have provided four handouts that you can download 2008 Graduation Rule Mathematics Graduation Requirement Guidance College Readiness Mathematics Standards Document MOWR Mathematics FAQs You can expect the Graduation Guidance Document on or before July 1, but please let us know if you have questions in the meantime. One last note as we move forward in this session. I will send you the ppt slides with our scripted notes for your reference following the webinar. Please feel free to use the slides and notes to inform those in district who will benefit from our discussion. 11/16/2018

3 MOWR College Algebra MOWR College Algebra is not an equivalent of Advanced Algebra or Algebra II MOWR College Algebra is an approved fourth mathematics course option for high school graduation and USG admission. In rare occasions, students will benefit from the alternate sequence: Algebra I or Coordinate Algebra + Geometry or Analytic Geometry + Pre-Calculus OR MOWR Pre-Calculus It is very important that we disseminate the message to our stakeholders that mathematics is sequential in nature and that the design of the GSE standards progression required that college and career readiness standards for Advanced Algebra/Algebra II were identified first and then mapped back to what students should master in preceding courses/grades. Our students are prepared to tackle college level courses ONLY after they master the college readiness standards associated with Advanced Algebra or Algebra II. Both the Graduation Rule and the Mathematics Graduation Requirement Guidance document reference equivalent courses. Please allow me to read the reference to equivalent courses from page 5 of the Guidance document. NOTE: Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry A and Accelerated Analytic Geometry B/Advanced Algebra include the standards of Coordinate Algebra, Analytic Geometry, and Advanced Algebra. At the present time, these are the only equivalent courses for Coordinate Algebra, Analytic Geometry, and Advanced Algebra. Accelerated Algebra I/Geometry A and Accelerated Geometry B/Algebra II include the standards of Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. At the present time, these are the only equivalent courses for Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. I should also mention here that neither USG nor TCSG has approved College Algebra as an equivalent of Advanced Algebra or Algebra II. The one exception as approved by the GaDOE Policy division is detailed in the third bullet. Students who choose this sequence are talented mathematics students and are expected to move forward to appropriate college level courses such as Calculus, Statistics, or Computer Science. Because MOWR policy is new, there are currently students who have taken both MOWR College Algebra and College Pre-Calculus. The Pre-Calculus course is an acceptable equivalent of Advanced Algebra or Algebra II and while College Algebra is not a recommended fourth course for students who have completed Pre-Calculus, this sequence will suffice for high school graduation and some USG post-secondary admissions. However, it is not recommended that students enroll in College Algebra after completing only Algebra I or Coordinate Algebra and Geometry or Analytic Geometry as this decision requires successful completion of Pre-Calculus. We are providing you with a MOWR Mathematics FAQ document to support the information provided here. 11/16/2018

4 27.08900 College Readiness Mathematics
A fourth mathematics course option for students who have completed Algebra I OR Coordinate Algebra + Geometry OR Analytic Geometry + Algebra II OR Advanced Algebra BUT are still struggling with high school mathematics standards essential for success in first year post- secondary mathematics courses required for non- STEM majors. Allow me to shift gears to ensure that you are aware of a recent addition to our roster of fourth mathematics course options. Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) has been a long time partner of ours in many initiatives – benchmarking and MDC to name a few. We have been working with them for a number of years to bring a version of the SREB Math Ready course to Georgia. On March 31, 2016, our SBOE approved our version of the SREB course, titled College Readiness Mathematics, to be added to our roster of state-funded courses. I’d like to take a moment to thank the members of our State Mathematics Advisory Council for their input surrounding the inclusion of the College Readiness Mathematics course throughout this process. The course meets the needs of a particular population of high school seniors who (READ SLIDE) 11/16/2018

5 27.08900 College Readiness Mathematics
fourth course option to meet the fourth course requirement for school graduation Approved by the University System of Georgia as a fourth mathematics course beyond Advanced Algebra OR Algebra II for non-STEM majors Lesson-by-lesson resource to be available by July 1, 2016 Professional learning available both this summer and summer 2017 A quick synopsis --- the course does meet the fourth course requirement for high school graduation and has been approved by USG as a fourth course beyond Algebra II OR Advanced Algebra for non-STEM majors. We will be able to provide both an extensive resource and an professional learning opportunity for the course teachers as a result of our philanthropic partner SREB. The incredibly comprehensive resource guide will provide teachers with a lesson-by-lesson instructional plan for delivery …it includes teacher commentary, student materials, assessments and so much more. You can access the SREB resource from which the Georgia College Readiness resource is adapted at Brooke has pasted the link into the chat box. I might add that our own Carla Bidwell who currently serves as a Metro RESA Mathematics Mentor was a primary writer of the SREB Math Ready course. Professional learning will be offered at two sites this summer – one in the northern part of the state and one in the southern part of the state. Site locations will be determined based on regional interest. SREB has agreed to provide trainers at each site, to include a continental breakfast and lunch free of charge for attendees, and to offset attendees’ travel costs with a $50 per day stipend for the 3-day training scheduled for June 8-10, For those of you who are interested, but unable to implement the course in , please be aware that the same training will be offered in summer 2017 as well. Your superintendents have just received notice of the upcoming professional learning opportunity. I will forward the memo sent to them following this webinar. Please be reminded of the June 8-10 training dates and registration deadline of May 13, Specific registration instructions are included in the superintendent memo. At this point, I will pass the microphone to Turtle for an update of K-5 happenings. 11/16/2018

6 Resource Revisions and Additions In K-5 Mathematics
Looking Inside Mathematics Classrooms Video Curriculum Unit Overviews and Frameworks Parent Letters GloSS/IKAN Prezi Presentation Looking Inside Mathematics Classrooms video- We filmed several classrooms in two GA elementary schools to show how it looks when teachers use the frameworks tasks for mathematics. The videos can be found on, at this link:  Classrooms in the video show a variety of students, and a variety of ways in which teachers implement tasks. We suggest the video might be used to spark professional conversations among teachers, to inform parents, to inform new teachers, and to help administrators understand best practices in mathematics teaching. Again, you can find the video here: Curriculum Unit Overviews and Frameworks- It’s that review/revision time of year again, and we have a talented and knowledgeable team of content experts working on making the units and overviews better. The revised curriculum materials, to be released on July 1, 2016 will contain new information in the overviews, a classroom video for Unit 1 in each grade so that teachers can see how it’s done specifically within their grade, strengthened vertical connections, and an intervention table (in the style of the Foundations of Algebra units) linked to NZmaths numeracy project interventions for each unit. Parent Letters- The kind folks in Henry County have shared their parent letters for each unit in K-5 again this year. You can find these posted on GSO, with the units. They are also posted on the K-5 wiki. GloSS/IKAN Prezi- The GloSS and IKAN are powerful tools for finding out what students know about mathematics, how they think mathematically, and where their connections need support. The GloSS and IKAN prezi answers some questions, and provides a deeper look at both of the assessments and the accompanying resources. GloSS and IKAN help schools in multiple ways, and those will be shared in the prezi. You’ll find it posted on GSO in the near future.. 11/16/2018

7 Resource Revisions and Additions In Secondary Mathematics
Foundations of Algebra Professional Learning Video - Standards/Pages/FOA/Foundations-of-Algebra.aspx Foundations of Algebra Teacher Forum Commentary Foundations of Algebra Wiki - Foundations of Algebra Module-by-Module PL Foundations of Algebra Modules and Assessments Foundations of Algebra Professional Learning Video: The Summer 2015 Foundations of Algebra professional learning institutes for middle and high school mathematics educators is now available virtually on (also can be found on the Foundations of Algebra page of the high school wiki). The Foundations of Algebra three-day institute provides many opportunities to revisit and expand the understanding of foundational algebra concepts, shows how diagnostics may be used to offer focused interventions, and incorporates varied instructional strategies to prepare students for required high school courses. Day 1 focuses on the value of and administration of the GloSS and IKAN, Day 2 provides an overview of the content of the units interwoven with tasks from the units, and Day 3 emphasizes and illustrates the shifts in classroom practice which are necessary for success in implementing this course. 2. Foundations of Algebra Teacher Forum Commentary: In January of 2016, 20 Foundations of Algebra teachers/coaches from all 16 RESA regions met at the DOE to discuss and provide feedback regarding the initial implementation of Foundations of Algebra. The purpose of the forum was to build a professional learning community of FA teachers and to use their feedback as a guide for course revisions. Their commentary was shared via the listserves and can also be found on the Fellow Educator Collaboration/Sharing page on the Foundations of Algebra page of the high school wiki. Foundations of Algebra Wiki - Communication platform/page added to the high school wiki; provides opportunity for FA teachers to talk to other FA teachers across the state Several resources including a Fellow Educator Collaboration/Sharing page Foundations of Algebra Module-by-Module Professional Learning Members of the FA Resource Revision Team are developing virtual PL for each module based on the Teacher Forum and other state-wide feedback All PL sessions will be available July 1, 2016. Foundations of Algebra Modules and Assessment Revisions. Members of the FA Resource Team are revising course modules and course assessments based on the Teacher Forum and other state-wide feedback Revised modules and assessments will be posted July 1, 2016 11/16/2018

8 Resource Revisions and Additions In Secondary Mathematics
GloSS/IKAN Prezi Presentation Algebra and Geometry Professional Learning Videos Middle School & High School Resource Edits GloSS/IKAN Prezi Presentation: The GloSS/IKAN PL Prezi Presentation that Turtle discussed earlier would also be appropriate and recommended for Foundations of Algebra teachers, as well as teachers of other high school courses. Algebra and Geometry Professional Learning Videos: The Summer 2015 Algebra and Geometry professional learning institutes for middle and high school mathematics educators will be available virtually on and the wikis on this summer. The Algebra one-day session focuses on high school algebra standards and would be appropriate for Algebra I, Coordinate Algebra, and Analytic Geometry teachers. The Geometry one-day session focuses on high school geometry standards and would be appropriate for Geometry and Analytic Geometry teachers. Edits for middle school and high school resources will involve the needed corrections that have been brought to our attention since the last round of edits and revisions. No new tasks/content will be added to the middle and high school resources. These updated resources will be posted on July 1, 2016. 11/16/2018

9 Move On When Ready MOWR Mathematics Course Codes
MOWR Course Numbers Update Presentation and Webinar - Assessment/CTAE/Pages/school-counselor-webinars.aspx MOWR Mathematics FAQ Document MOWR mathematics courses: Unique codes and course titles GAcollege Move On When Ready Course Numbers Update Presentation and Webinar: March 29th, 2016, MOWR Update Webinar presented by the School Counselor/CTAE Division of the GaDOE The Webinar addresses the changes to the way courses are set up for MOWR alignment and the replacing of course matches in MOWR beginning in the 2016 – 2017 school year (which would include the 2016 summer sessions) MOWR Mathematics FAQ Document: Document created in response to the mathematics questions posed in the MOWR Course Numbers Webinar Can be downloaded from today’s webinar and will soon be posted on the Mathematics Program page of New MOWR mathematics course codes effective beginning in the 2016 – 2017 school year (which would include the 2016 summer sessions) Unique codes and course titles for mathematics courses created in order for a student’s HS transcript to accurately demonstrate the college level course taken at a USG, TCSG, or Private College institution New coding/course title mathematics system also created in order to make the registration process easier for high school counselors; high school counselors will no long be expected to match college level courses with high school course names GAcollege MOWR page – provides an approved list of USG, TCSG, and Private College mathematics courses that meet 4th course high school graduation requirements for students participating in the MOWR program 11/16/2018

10 Move On When Ready MOWR Mathematics Course Codes
USG courses TCSG courses Private College courses USG MOWR Course Codes and Title: High School Course Code: 27.0 Letter # # 4 High School Course Title: Dual Enrollment Mathematics USG (“College Course Number and Title”) Example: 27.0A884, Dual Enrollment Mathematics USG (MATH 1111 College Algebra) This is the MOWR HS course code and title for College Algebra at all USG institutions TCSG MOWR Course Codes and Title: High School Course Title: Dual Enrollment Mathematics TCSG (“College Course Number and Title”) Example: 27.0A624, Dual Enrollment Mathematics TCSG (MATH 1111 College Algebra) This is the MOWR HS course code and title for College Algebra at all TCSG institutions Private College Course Codes and Title: High School Course Title: Dual Enrollment Mathematics “College Name” (“College Course Number and Title”) Example: 27.0A144, Dual Enrollment Mathematics Young Harris (MATH 1110 Math Modeling) 11/16/2018

11 Move On When Ready MOWR Mathematics Course Codes
Diploma Level courses MOWR courses meet 4th course high school graduation requirements Responsibility of colleges to request additional MOWR course offerings Diploma Level TCSG courses: USG does not accept diploma level courses for admission purposes. USG does accept degree level courses for admission purposes High School Course Code: 27.0 Letter # # 4 High School Course Title: Diploma Level Dual Enrollment Mathematics TCSG (“College Course Number and Title”) Example: 27.0A184, Diploma Level Dual Enrollment Mathematics TCSG (MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics) This is the MOWR HS course code and title for Foundations of Mathematics at all USG institutions All approved MOWR mathematics courses are options for the fourth mathematics core course (c/e) requirement It is the responsibility of colleges and universities to request additional MOWR course offerings 11/16/2018

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