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Comparison of Jamestown and Plymouth

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1 Comparison of Jamestown and Plymouth
17th century settlements

2 Motivations for Jamestown Colonization - 1607
Economic prosperity Find gold – Return to England wealthy . Suppress French and Spanish expansion

3 Motivations for Plymouth Colonization - 1620
Religious freedom for Puritans Escape religious persecution Linked Church of England to Catholicism Suppress French and Spanish expansion

4 Founding of Jamestown Colony
Founded 1607 by London Company, a private enterprise Charter granted by King James Company recruited people with promises of gold King made decisions on government of colony

5 Founding of Plymouth Colony
Founded 1620 Funded by London joint-stock company Landed in Plymouth accidentally Signed Mayflower Compact to provide self-governing guidelines

6 Early Difficulties in Jamestown
Refusal of Gentlemen to work Depended on Native Americans for food Disease and starvation killed 80% of colonists in the first year Failed attempts to befriend natives led to confrontations

7 Early Difficulties in Plymouth
Mayflower arrived in Plymouth on Dec. 21 During harsh winter 54% died Early attempts at growing crops failed Taught how to grow crops by Squanto

8 Factors of Jamestown Success
Captain John Smith takes control of government – is a firm leader “No work, no eat” policy Growing tobacco made the land of the colony valuable

9 Factors of Plymouth Success
Strength of Mayflower Compact Pilgrims able to grow corn (taught from natives) Initial cooperation of native population and Pilgrims allows for the growth of the colony

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