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Network Rail South East Route Performance for NTF 22 October 2014

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1 Network Rail South East Route Performance for NTF 22 October 2014
Paper A2 16-Nov-18

2 Period 6 Performance Result
Southeastern PPM - Industry Trajectory PPM Target PPM Actual PPM v Target PPM v Last Year PPM v Last Period PPM - Period 92.2% 89.3% -2.9% -3.3% -2.4% PPM - MAA 88.7% 87.4% -1.3% -3.6% -0.3% Southern 89.8% 89.0% -0.8% 0.0% -0.9% 85.5% 84.4% -1.1% -3.4% 0.1%

3 Flooding at Balcombe, Haywards Heath – Preston Park
Current Situation 29 Landslips STORMS Flooding at Balcombe, Haywards Heath – Preston Park

4 Train Performance – Lead TOC PPM Forecasts
Where are we going: What gets us there: 16-Nov-18

5 Southeastern; Current PPRP plan & closing the gap
PPM Projections P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 2013/14 Actuals 92.7% 81.7% 82.9% 77.5% 86.6% 83.3% 89.4% Current 2014/15 Targets 92.2% 86.2% 83.0% 87.0% 88.5% 90.6% 92.0% Current MAA - if target met 87.4% 87.7% 88.0% 88.4% 88.6% 89.0% 89.3% Q2 Period Target 89.2% 83.8% Q2 Projected MAA 87.8% 88.8% 89.5% The annual PPM MAA target is unlikely to be achieved. There is a huge focus on driving performance improvement in challenging circumstances. The biggest challenge is the introduction of the January 2015 timetable. The second quarter review between Se and NR has just taken place. This identified a number of positive measures that have been taken and how further mitigation will occur to reach 89.5% (viewed as high confidence end of year result). Whilst we expect PPM MAA to improve as we drop out poor periods 8, 9 and 10 from last year; this is dependent upon the delivery of robust Autumn performance. We will continue to develop plans within the Performance Strategy and build on two clear successes during this quarter: Removal of TSRs London Bridge Maintenance Unit Delivery Plan New initiatives for Southeastern and Network Rail to maintain and improve performance include: Improved usage and extension of RCM to monitor points and digitalisation of Track Circuits. Signaller workshops to improve competence and reduce regulation errors. Competence training for fleet engineers to reduce own goal fleet failures.. Identification of maintenance / delivery / cancellation plans for lines of route to reduce knock on delays from passengers boarding and alighting due to cancelled trains. Continued reduction of the maintenance backlog in the London Bridge area by continued access initiatives. Development of working relationships between land sherrifs, MOMs and Se REOs to reduce crime further. Improvements in gateline management to reduce anti social behaviour and consequent delays.

6 Southern; Current PPRP plan & closing the gap
There is a huge focus on driving performance improvement in challenging circumstances. The biggest current challenge is the reduced infrastructure capacity at London Bridge, really bringing into acute focus the balance between train service capacity and performance PPM Projections P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 2013/14 Actuals 89.90 80.40 81.80 73.10 79.20 77.10 86.20 2014/15 Targets 88.60 82.00 80.10 79.30 83.60 88.50 91.40 MAA - if target met 83.90 84.00 84.40 84.70 85.60 86.00 The second quarter review with Network Rail is underway. We will work together to develop new performance schemes to bolster the current PPRP plan. Whilst we expect PPM MAA to improve as we drop out poor periods 8, 9 and 10 from last year; this is dependent upon the delivery of robust Autumn performance. There are strong plans in place for fleet, traincrew and stations performance improvements. New initiatives for Southern and Network Rail to support then current year PPRP plan include: Additional station staff into key locations where small minute delays occur. These staff will have specific performance improvement related duties and will reduce delays associated with passenger loadings at busy times and deliver PPM benefit. Introduce more effective disruption management plans at London Victoria. London Bridge TLP Improvement Plan. Traincrew improvement plans – Traincrew marshals, increased in & out crew workings at London Bridge, increased headcount. Improved service contingency plans. Deep dive performance review. Fresh approach on diamond assets.

7 Key Risks and Mitigations: Southeastern
Implementation of January Timetable / Thameslink Programme Passenger Boarding at key interchanges. TDM impacts Increased mileage of fleet Timetable Change London Bridge / Lewisham passenger flows Winter Resilience Rainfall Snow & Ice Fleet Delivery Mitigations January Timetable: Agency Staff at key interchange stations to support passengers for first month of operation of Jan TT. Communications plan to passengers around options of interchange. Removal of majority splitting / attaching in Timetable. Modelling of London Bridge passenger flows with agreed movement plan in place before January. Timetable Implementation Group formed with Network Rail to manage in timetable change. Training complete for ill passenger management and cut and run incident management. Less crew changes at London termini. Simplified HS workings when on NR infrastructure. 2 minute headway on approach to London Bridge starting from NKE in London direction. Introduction of 12 car services on metro fleet. Train turnaround times of 9 minutes from CX and C St. Joint plan and preparation Increase in locations with CRH Fleet preparation for winter KRS preparation for new timetable Changed maintenance delivery schedule. Trains running in longer formations 16-Nov-18

8 Key Risks and Mitigations: Southern
Thameslink Programme – London Bridge • Extensive reviews have taken place into LL07 Blockade and lessons have been learnt and are now feeding into LL09 Blockade plans. • London Bridge Improvement Plan in place, this is being monitored on a weekly basis by a joint NR/Southern working group. • Changes made to the timetable in the short term and permanently from Jan • Trains taken out of the timetable to allow a more robust delivery of the service. Infrastructure Reliability • Diamond assets' programme now has a dedicated programme and resource. Fleet Reliability • Ongoing work is being undertaken to understand systemic fleet failures with new rolling stock, we expect to see an improvement over the next few periods. Traincrew related performance impacts - Driver briefings for LL08-LL09 new infrastructure layout means 14 drivers per day are released from duty. • Additional Production Manager posts introduced at London Bridge. • Additional cover drivers introduced to assist during disruption. • Daily conference call to discuss cover arrangements. External delays - Fatalities • Work with NR fatality prevention team to reduce number of fatalities and suicide on the network. Seasonal Preparedness - Autumn delivery - Winter plans • Joint plans have been put in place for both Autumn and Winter. • Response Plans developed in conjunction with Control for all weather related events. • Upcoming Re-signalling Schemes - Arun Valley - East Sussex - Balcombe • Head of Major Programmes is working with Network Rail to finalise mitigations. • Contingency plans to be developed. 16-Nov-18

9 Thameslink Programme Post August commissioning faults:
1/9 faulty relay 3/9 loose wire connection to relay (pic 1) 8/9 faulty insulated block joint (pic 2) 15/9 incorrectly installed points insulation 30/9 loose wire connection All have been reviewed and actioned New Timetable concerns Southern PPM has dropped at London Bdg Timetable is at the limit of layout capacity Construction TSRs didn’t help (now off) Weekly meeting NR / Southern to review all aspects of operation 2min passenger differential applied to all morning peak services from 13/10

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