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The Study of Life.

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Presentation on theme: "The Study of Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Study of Life

2 Characteristics of Living Things
Alive or not?

3 Characteristics of Living Things
Alive or not?

4 Characteristics of Living Things
Alive or not?

5 Characteristics of Living Things
Alive or not?

6 Characteristics of Living Things
Alive or not?

7 Characteristics of Living Things
Alive or not?

8 Characteristics of Living Things
Alive or not?

9 Characteristics of Living Things
Living things are made of cells. The cell is the basic unit of life.

10 Characteristics of Living Things
All living things are composed of one or more cells containing DNA (the hereditary material) that function in an organized way.

11 Characteristics of Living Things
Living Things Display Organization Atoms form molecules, groups of molecules form cells, cells form tissues, different tissues working together form organs, organs working together form organ systems and organ systems working together to support an organism. Structure fits function is a major theme in biology.

12 Characteristics of Living Things
Living things grow and develop. Growth is the addition of mass while development is the process of changes that occur throughout the life of an organism.

13 Characteristics of Living Things
Living things reproduce. Organisms reproduce and pass along traits from one generation to the next. For a species to continue to exist, reproduction must occur. Reproduction can be asexual or sexual.

14 Characteristics of Living Things
Living things respond to stimuli. All organisms live in constant interface with environment: air, water, weather, temperature, other organisms…

15 Characteristics of Living Things
Stimulus: condition in the environment that causes an organism to adjust Response: reaction to a stimulus

16 Characteristics of Living Things
Living things maintain homeostasis. Many responses organisms make are internal regulations make to maintain a “steady state” Homeostasis: maintaining steady state, takes energy.

17 Characteristics of Living Things
Living things require energy. Energy is the ability to do work and is required for all life processes. Organisms get energy from food. Plants, some Protists, and some bacteria make their own food in the process of photosynthesis (producers). Animals, fungi, some Protists and some bacteria need to consume food (consumers).

18 Characteristics of Living Things
In living things adaptations evolve over time. Adaptations are inherited changes that occur over time to enable an organism to respond to stimuli and better survive IN AN ENVIRONMENT.

19 Characteristics of Living Things
Gradual accumulation of adaptations over time is EVOLUTION Some organisms evolve slowly (horse) while others evolve within our lifetime (bacteria).

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