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Smarter School Spending Community of Practice

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Presentation on theme: "Smarter School Spending Community of Practice"— Presentation transcript:

1 Smarter School Spending Community of Practice
Online Meeting, December 15, 2017 OPENING REFLECTION What impact is the Dashboard having on your work? (Please try to choose 1 discrete/concrete way)

2 OPENING DISCUSSION What impact is the Dashboard having on your work?
(Please try to choose 1 discrete/concrete way) Heather facilitate: Please share your name, org, title. What’s one way the Dashboard is impacting your work? Challenges you’re facing, ways you’re getting staff up to speed, how you’re incorporating. TRYING TO KEEP THIS SMALL/CONCRETE/ JUST 1 WAY

3 Interlaced Data and Responsive Supports
Allison Layland, ph.D.

4 Strategic Performance Network
Maintains autonomy of each organization in setting its direction, however operational procedures include common elements Creates implementation and performance data at multi-organization levels Adds a multiplier effect to the potency of the whole system as well as each organization Creates rapid circuits of information through interlaced data that activate responsive supports

5 The Organization, External influencers, and Clients
In any organization, SPM adopts the characteristics of a system, both in terms of the organization’s internal operations and its relationship to external influences and external beneficiaries of its services. SPM considers the operations and relationships in two ways. First the organization itself, its clients and external influencers. Who are the clients of districts? Who are the external Influencers? The arrows express the relationships, flow of information and communication. Redding, S., & Layland, A. (2017). Strategic performance for your branch: Organizing people and their work in an LEA or SEA division or strand. San Antonio, TX: Building State Capacity and Productivity Center

6 The Organization within an Education System
What view is most important to you as you think of the LCAP? Why? Redding, S., & Layland, A. (2017). Strategic performance for your branch: Organizing people and their work in an LEA or SEA division or strand. San Antonio, TX: Building State Capacity and Productivity Center

7 System of Interlaced Data
Common Elements Goals (and goal performance measures) Strategies (and strategy performance measures) Milestones (implementation measures) Actions (implementation measures) Coded Elements Strategies related milestones and actions are clustered or coded based on identified priorities or focus areas. Coding common elements between levels of organizations allows the system to data to identify needed supports at multiple levels of the system keep the system improving. Thinking of the LCAP and School Academic Plans, what themes or focus areas would be of interest or might be important to code to examine the relationship between the district and its schools?

8 SPSA Aligned to the LCAP
Common Elements LCAP Goals related to State and Local Priorities Required Metrics for each Priority Area Actions and Services Expenditures Consistency with School Accountability Report Card SPSA Aligned to the LCAP Annual Goals aligned to the LCAP Strategies Actions Expenditures These are some that I identified when examining a few LCAPS and school plans. Thinking of the LCAP and School Academic Plans, what themes or focus areas would be of interest or might be important to code to examine the relationship between the district and its schools?

9 Sharing Thinking of the LCAP and School Academic Plans, what themes or focus areas would be of interest or might be important to code to examine the relationship between the district and its schools?

10 Example Anywhere School District Summary
18 schools (three high schools, one alternative education high school, two middle schools, three K-8 schools and nine K-5 elementary schools) 16, 576 students More than 767 teachers 76% of students on free and reduced lunch This is a district that could be anywhere in the state of California.

11 Example – Current LCAP Goal 2: Data-Informed Professional Learning Strategy: Implementation of Standards, Curriculum and Assessment What effective practices will teachers be doing as a result for the professional learning? How will we know that instruction and learning is improving as a result of the practice? What is the intended impact of professional learning on student outcomes? Here is our example of a strategy. This is a common one as there is a tendency to focus on professional learning or development to change practice. Let’s look deeper into this intended work.

12 Theory of Action If we… then… and …
The practice we want to implement in pursuit of a student-focused goal The immediate impact on adult practice The long-term impact on student learning or behavior If we… then… and … If we provide professional learning standards-based aligned curriculum and resources, instructional strategies, and effective lesson design, then teachers will provide high quality, rigorous personalized instruction, and students will meet their annual growth targets.

13 Actions Goal 2: Data-Informed Professional Learning
Strategy: Implementation of Standards, Curriculum and Assessment Actions: Professional Learning on ELA/ELD programs Professional learning on math content knowledge and instructional strategies Professional learning on lesson design, aligned resources and instructional strategies

14 How would the district professional learning actions relate to each school?
Same Two Schools School A Goal 1: Proficiency level on the CST for ELA will improve from 46 percent to percent school-wide and from percent to 26.8 percent for English learners. Strategy: Implement a school-wide reading intervention program Actions: Identify struggling readers and select a reading program Implement and evaluate the reading program School B Goal 1: Student performance on CST ELA will increase by 3%. Strategy: Implement an instructional model with data-informed decision making, consistent lesson design and delivery, and evidence- based strategies and interventions Actions: Provide professional learning on using formative assessment data to make instructional decisions Implement a consistent lesson design format and online lesson plan system How might we code plans to examine progress and impact?

15 Modeling Goal 1: Equitable Access to Rigorous High-Level Programs
Strategy: Implementation of College and Career Readiness Initiatives Action 1a. 2. Increase access to rigorous academic programs What are we, the district, going to do? Why? What is the intended impact on school or educator practice? How will we know? What is the intended impact of professional learning on student outcomes? If we.., Then …, and ….

16 Reflection What are your thoughts about the process we just did with Madera? What are your ideas or concerns about applying this in your context?

17 Coding – LCAP/SPSA Possibilities
Based on Priorities Priority 1: Basic Priority 2: State Standards Priority 3: Parent Involvement Priority 4: Pupil Achievement Priority 5 Pupil Engagement Priority 6: School Climate Priority 7: Course Access Priority 8: Other Pupil Outcomes Priority 9: Expelled Students Priority 10: Foster Youth Monthly, Quarterly, Biannually: How many actions were completed in each priority area? Is there evidence that adult practice is changing? What is the impact on student learning? Equity Professional Learning Instruction (S-A-C-I) Resources and Alignment Family and Community Climate and Culture

18 Monitoring Teams determine steps to complete each action
Professional Learning on ELA/ELD programs Professional learning on math content knowledge and instructional strategies Professional learning on lesson design, aligning resources and instructional strategies Monthly: Teams discuss and report progress on the steps Leadership reviews progress reports Quarterly: Leadership reviews progress, outputs, and challenges Adjustments are made and supports identified How often is progress being discussed now? What are the key points being reviewed or discussed? Is this enough? Why or Why not?

19 Annual Report LCAP Goal 1: Data-Informed Professional Learning
Strategy: Implementation of Standards, Curriculum and Assessment PLANNED ACTUAL EXPENDITURES RATING/QUESTIONS Professional Learning on ELA/ELD programs Professional learning on lesson design, aligned resources and instructional strategies Primary literacy specialists are at 12 of the 18 schools Of the 12 schools, 7 completed their actions related to implementing instruction based on standards-aligned curriculum Planned expenditures and expected expenditures match with the exception of $9,348 due to salary differences of the specialists What questions might you have if you read this in the district’s summary report? How would you rate the year’s work in this area?

20 Application How could these concepts be applied in you districts or schools? What would be the greatest challenge? What questions do you have? What concepts do you want to explore further?

21 Next Steps Resources available at
Monthly virtual meetings scheduled for 3rd Friday of the month from 1:30-3pm through Feb March in-person meeting in San Francisco (Doodle poll at )


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