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API 16C Choke and Kill Equipment

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1 API 16C Choke and Kill Equipment
SC 16 Winter Update Chris Scarborough API 16C chairman Troy Powell API 16C co-chairman

2 API 16C 2nd Edition Published – March 2015
Effective monogram date – Sept. 28, 2015 Since publish – 3 errata and 1 addendum have been issued to correct editorial errors Work groups working on several items for addendum 16C task group has begun process of developing the 3rd edition The TG is in final stages of agreeing text Build new text into draft document and provide to API for ballot 1220 L Street, NW • Washington, DC •

3 API 16C – 3rd Edition development
Clarify test requirements Update Storing and Shipping Develop LP test requirements Define fluid cushion requirements Generate electric actuator requirements Include bolting requirements (20E / 20F) Draft specifications for mud gas separator C&K manifold assembly specifications Align FSL (Flexible Specification Level) Clarify based on RFIs Formatting to Material, Welding and Quality sections 1220 L Street, NW • Washington, DC •

4 API 16C 3rd Edition Status 16C task group is in final stages of agreeing text Next step is to build new text into draft document Planned schedule is to provide draft to API this summer for ballot 1220 L Street, NW • Washington, DC •

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