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Proud Partners of the NNA

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Presentation on theme: "Proud Partners of the NNA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proud Partners of the NNA
BizCover Proud Partners of the NNA

2 Performance Growth 92% Growth In Policies Sold

3 What’s New?

Apply for quotes online or over the phone When ready to purchase speak to an agent They will complete the application and issue an invoice (to either the recipient or the NEIS provider) Once the Invoice has been paid by EFT or Credit Card, then documents will be issued to the client

Covered  (Some Examples) Not Covered  Minor Crimes Aggravated burglary – intent to steal burglary Attempted escape – escape from arrest/custody Breach of recognizance Damage commonwealth property Driving offences Escape Custody Fake numberplate/rego label attached to vehicle Falsifying documents Resist commonwealth public official Possess ammunition or firearms Posses a prohibited weapon without permit Provide false name/address Aggravated assault Armed robbery  Assault occasioning bodily harm Forcible Confinement Fraud Kidnap Major drug charges Murder Paedophilia Rape Recklessly/intentionally inflict bodily harm Robbery – using force on a person White collar crime - fraud, insider trading or other charges for misappropriation of funds

Apply for quotes online or over the phone If applying online no quote will be received but an agent will call back Answer a few underwriting questions Offence and when? Outcome of the conviction e.g.  penalty or sentence incurred Was the offence an isolated incident or prior convictions? Application will be referred to insurer Application will be confirmed

7 Support

8 Collateral

9 Quarterly $2,000 BizGiver Grant
“As a start-up, all costs basically come out of our savings, so this prize means I can finally afford [this advertising]” Jobs Shared, recipient of an $1,865 advertising package “It was an incredible piece of equipment and having it….made a huge difference to us all at Lucy May’s Café.  It proved to be a great time saver and allowed us to improve and increase our Menu… You have no idea how just this one thing made a huge difference to me, my café, staff and business.” Lucy May’s Café, recipient of a flat grill $2,000 grant for a product or service to help a small business grow. 24 grants for products and services have been awarded Businesses ranging from a beautician, a chocolate bar, a mobile mechanic, through to a start up job share service, a community gym and an art gallery. Products & Services including Chemical Pumps, Computer Servers, Grills through to Copywriting Services, Advertising and Certificate Training. “The prize made a significant change in our business, it nearly halved the time of our usual jobs and increased sales. 1 termite job would take approximately on average 13hrs, with the prize it reduced the time to (on average) 9 hrs.” Falls Pest Control, recipient of a chemical pump

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