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Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM)

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1 Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM)
Discussion 13.1 Example 35

2 Motor Driver Circuit Solid-state relay

3 MOS FET Relays G3VM-61B1

4 Motor – Generator Experiment

5 Using an AC Relay

6 Pulse-Width Modulation

7 Pulse-Width Modulation

8 pwm4.v // Example 35a: PWM signal module pwm4( input wire clk,
input wire clr, input wire [3:0] duty, input wire [3:0] period, output reg pwm ); reg [3:0] count; wire set, reset; // 4-bit counter clk or posedge clr) if(clr == 1) count <= 0; else if(count == period-1) else count <= count + 1;

9 pwm4.v (cont.) assign set = ~| count; assign reset = (count == duty);
clk) begin if(set == 1) pwm <= 1; if(reset == 1) pwm <= 0; end endmodule

10 Controlling the Position of a Servo using PWM

11 4 MHz clock on PLDT-3 board
17-bit counter will count from 0 to 131,072 in ms. To get a 20 ms period, set period = (20/32.768)* = (13880 hex) duty = 6000 1770 hex duty = 4400 1130 hex duty = 7600 1DB0 hex

12 pwmg.v // Example 35b: General PWM signal module pwmg
#(parameter N = 17) (input wire clk, input wire clr, input wire [N-1:0] duty, input wire [N-1:0] period, output reg pwm ); reg [N-1:0] count; wire set, reset; // N-bit counter clk or posedge clr) if(clr == 1) count <= 0; else if(count == period-1) else count <= count + 1; pwmg.v

13 pwmg.v (cont.) assign set = ~| count; assign reset = (count == duty);
clk) begin if(set == 1) pwm <= 1; if(reset == 1) pwm <= 0; end endmodule

14 Aldec Active-HDL Simulation

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