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1 Lab 3 Ornithology birds:
BIOL 4142 Photo Quiz Lab 3 Ornithology birds: First, you’ll see a photo showing just enough to allow you to clinch the ID. Then, you’ll see the full photo with the name and perhaps some ID tips on specimens (not field ID)


3 Barn Owl, Tytonidae, Strigiformes
Barn Owl, Tytonidae, Strigiformes. Anything else with that pale breast with dark spots?


5 Barred Owl, Strigidae, Strigiformes
Barred Owl, Strigidae, Strigiformes. Note the different pattern on breast from Great Horned Owl.


7 Belted Kingfisher, Alcedinidae, Coraciiformes.


9 Black-billed Cuckoo, Cuculidae, Cuculiformes: all you need to do is


11 Black Tern, Laridae, Charadriiformes
Black Tern, Laridae, Charadriiformes. Only black-headed bird with dagger-shaped bill.


13 Black Skimmer, Rynchopidae, Charadriiformes
Black Skimmer, Rynchopidae, Charadriiformes. Only bird with longer lower mandible than upper.


15 Caspian Tern, Laridae, Charadriiformes
Caspian Tern, Laridae, Charadriiformes. Obviously a tern, and with a large, thick, unicolored bill. Royal Tern would be similar but bill slimmer (hard to judge without direct comparison), paler primaries, and deeply forked tail.


17 Chimney Swift, Apodidae, Apodiformes
Chimney Swift, Apodidae, Apodiformes. Extremely short bill (screener), smudgy dark grayish brown, tail with distinct “spines” (exposed tips of shafts of rectrices).


19 Common Ground Dove, Columbidae, Columbiformes
Common Ground Dove, Columbidae, Columbiformes. Scalloped pattern on neck and nape; lacks bars on back of Inca Dove. No prominent dark marks in face like White-winged or Mourning, but in the hand, the dramatically smaller size should keep you away from anything but Inca Dove.


21 Common Nighthawk, Caprimulgidae, Caprimulgiformes
Common Nighthawk, Caprimulgidae, Caprimulgiformes. Very short bill = screener. White patch in primaries and on lower throat eliminates any other nightjar or Chimney Swift.


23 Downy Woodpecker, Picidae, Piciformes
Downy Woodpecker, Picidae, Piciformes. The pointed central rectrices, which will be obviously stiffened in the hand, indicate woodpecker. White flanks and barred underside of rectrices eliminates all other woodpeckers. Note short bill, ca. ½ inch.


25 Eastern Kingbird, Tyrannidae, Passeriformes
Eastern Kingbird, Tyrannidae, Passeriformes. Those white-tipped rectrices are unique. From what you could see, the black tail and white undertail coverts also consistent with E. Kingbird.


27 Eastern Screech-Owl, Strigidae, Strigiformes
Eastern Screech-Owl, Strigidae, Strigiformes. Note the unique pattern of markings on the underparts. Caution: the head tufts are typically flattened against the head in study skins.


29 Eastern Whip-poor-will, Caprimulgidae, Caprimulgiformes
Eastern Whip-poor-will, Caprimulgidae, Caprimulgiformes. Blackish throat, large rictal bristles. Near-absence of rufous tones in plumage eliminates Chuck-will’s-widow.


31 Forster’s Tern, Laridae, Charadriiformes
Forster’s Tern, Laridae, Charadriiformes. Note bicolored bill, pale at base. Forster’s also have the longest, most deeply forked tail of any of the terns.


33 Great Horned Owl, Strigidae, Strigiformes
Great Horned Owl, Strigidae, Strigiformes. Distinctive pattern on breast, typically with narrow white extreme upper breast/neck.


35 Great Crested Flycatcher, Tyrannidae, Passeriformes
Great Crested Flycatcher, Tyrannidae, Passeriformes. Bright rufous underside of tail distinctive, as is bright belly and undertail coverts. Note gray throat and breast, sallyer bill.


37 Hairy Woodpecker, Picidae, Piciformes
Hairy Woodpecker, Picidae, Piciformes. Head pattern eliminates everything but Downy, which has ½ inch, not 1-inch, bill, and barred, not clean white, underside of rectrices.


39 Herring Gull (immature), Laridae, Charadriiformes)
Herring Gull (immature), Laridae, Charadriiformes). If you had been able to see the bill, then knowing that this was a gull would have made it easy – immature Herring is the only one without a white breast and belly. But even without seeing the bill, there isn’t anything else you’ve had that has this pattern on the underparts.


41 Herring Gull (adult), Laridae, Charadriiformes
Herring Gull (adult), Laridae, Charadriiformes. Gull-shaped bill with red spot mostly on lower mandible = Herring. Caution: the red color typically fades badly in specimens, but the location of the spot still diagnostic.


43 Inca Dove, Columbidae, Columbiformes
Inca Dove, Columbidae, Columbiformes. The only pigeon with heavily barred back and flanks. Note long tail. Tiny (like Common Ground Dove)


45 Laughing Gull, Laridae, Charadriiformes
Laughing Gull, Laridae, Charadriiformes. Only gull (note the bill) with dark head.


47 Laughing Gull (non-breeding plumage), Laridae, Charadriiformes
Laughing Gull (non-breeding plumage), Laridae, Charadriiformes. Only gull with blackish markings in face and neck. Note all-dark bill.


49 Least Tern, Laridae, Charadriiformes: Only tern with white forehead and dark line through lores. Very small.


51 Mourning Dove, Columbidae, Columbiformes: black spot in lower face, no white wing patch, no collar on nape.


53 Pileated Woodpecker, Picidae, Piciformes


55 Pomarine Jaeger, Stercorariidae, Charadriiformes: expanded, twisted central rectrices, black crown and face


57 Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Cuculidae, Cuculiformes: all you have to do is recognize it as a cuckoo. Could you have recognized it only from the underside of the tail?


59 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Picidae, Piciformes.


61 White-winged Dove, Columbidae, Columbiformes


63 Sandwich Tern, Laridae, Charadriiformes: black bill with pale tip.


65 Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Trochilidae, Apodiformes: note the thin flower-prober bill.


67 Royal Tern,


69 Rock Pigeon, Columbidae, Columbiformes



72 Red-bellied Woodpecker, Picidae, Piciformes: black-and-white banded back plus red crown

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