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Zerene Stacker Bio 498/698.

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Presentation on theme: "Zerene Stacker Bio 498/698."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zerene Stacker Bio 498/698

2 Outline: Review: Opening the Zerene Stacker Adding Files
Stacking Files Properly Saving/Naming Compiled Images Closing the Project

3 Zerene Stacker: Opening
*To open: Press the M3 button on the keyboard

4 Zerene Stacker

5 Zerene Stacker: Adding Files
To add a set of slices, go to File>Add File(s) Find the desired file ‘Ctrl+a’ To select all files Click ‘Add’ You can also select the files in Explorer and drag and drop into Zerene Stacker.

6 Zerene Stacker All of the files have now been added

7 Zerene Stacker: Stacking Files
To stack the files into one compiled image: On the toolbar, select ‘Stack’ Align & Stack All (PMax)

8 Zerene Stacker: Saving Compiled Images
After the images have finished stacking, save the compiled image Go to File Save Output Image(s)

9 Zerene Stacker: Naming Compiled Images
For the File name, the Stacker will choose one for you. To name the compiled image correctly, click on one of the sliced images.

10 Zerene Stacker: Naming Compiled Images
This will change the file name.

11 Zerene Stacker: Naming Compiled Images
Change the last number to be ‘C’ or ‘comp’. ex: “GEWA1234_100mm_1to1_013” changes to “GEWA1234_100mm_1to1_comp” File type should be ‘TIFF image’ The File Saving Parameters should be 8 bits RGB Click ‘Save’

12 Zerene Stacker: End Once the compiled image has successfully saved, click File->Close Project>”Yes, discard any unsaved work”

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