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And how to be the best you can be!

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Presentation on theme: "And how to be the best you can be!"— Presentation transcript:

1 And how to be the best you can be!



4 Team GB success

5 Sir Dave Brailsford – Director of GB cycling
CORE principle: C – Commitment O – Ownership R – Responsibility E - Excellence Excellence – be the best you can be

6 99% Perspiration


8 1% - Optimal performance
Think well Sleep well

9 Think Well ! The key to optimal brain function is by regulation of stress hormones. If you’re stressed; your brain doesn’t work properly

10 Think Well: The teenage brain is still changing
Brains develop in response to challenge Challenge leads to the production of stress hormones This is healthy if regulated – toxic if not Toxic stress closes down brain functioning You have the ability to control the way you think.

11 The Chimp Paradox – Dr Steve Peters
There are two of you in your head:

12 The chimp response to challenge

13 When your chimp is in in control
I don’t get this I’ll never pass anyway I hate this teacher – she hates me I just need another 5 minutes in bed Just one more chocolate won’t hurt I’m going to fail anyway I’m rubbish at exams My mum will kill me

14 'The Chimp Paradox in a nutshell‘

15 How to manage your chimp
NB Will power will not work ( the chimp is powerful) So, instead you could: Exercise it – let the chimp speak Box it – allow your human to reason with it with facts and logic Distract it – use distractions / rewards

16 Other ways to distract and control the chimp
Controlled breathing Mindfulness – be in the moment Reduce Social media time Watch your sugar intake Sleep properly Handout


18 Be in the moment

19 Watch your sugar intake

20 Digital detox – reduce your time on social media

21 Sleep Well Are you getting enough sleep? Do you wake fairly easily? Are you generally in a good mood for the rest of the day?

22 You HAVE to make sleep a priority
Teens need more sleep than adults (min 8-9 hrs) Good sleep is proven to improve memory and performance Poor sleep affects your ability to cope with stress Poor sleep can cause weight gain because it leads to carbohydrate cravings Poor sleep harms your immune system

23 Good sleep hygiene Regular exercise is crucial for good sleep
Caffeine prevents deep sleep Binge eating before bed affects sleep Your room needs to be dark, cool and comfortable Avoid screens in your bedroom – the light affects your sleep quality

24 Digital Detox "Teenagers sleep less when they have more computer screen time, says study,” The Guardian reports. The study involved almost 10,000 older teens in Norway and included any device that had a screen, such as tablets, laptops, games consoles, smartphones, PCs and TVs. It found that those who used electronic devices in the hour before going to bed took longer to fall asleep. They were also more likely to feel they needed at least another two hours sleep more than they actually got. The same was true of those who spent at least two hours of their leisure in various forms of screen time. The more time a teenager spent on electronic devices, the less sleep they tended to get.


26 #WINNINGatlife Be the best that you can be: There are no short cuts
You can optimise your performance 3) You are in control You can control your reactions to stress and poor motivation Relaxation and good sleep will give you the edge


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