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Building Competences in the FINtech Ecosystem

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1 Building Competences in the FINtech Ecosystem
Bram Timmermans Associate Professor NHH

2 Fintech Ecosystem in Constant Development (Danish example)
March 2017 August 2017

3 Increasing Environmental Uncertainty
Needed information is known and available Constant need for new information Information overload Not known what information is needed STATIC COMPLEX DYNAMIC SIMPLE COMPLEXITY RATE OF CHANGE Fintech Revolution

4 Questions How do I make sense of the changing dynamics (challenges and opportunities) in the fintech ecosystem? How can we profit from the technologies we develop? How should we react to entry of new players on the market? Established players (like facebook, google and apple) and startups Technological competences? Complementary assets? Competition, collaboration, coopetition? What competences do we need? How to make the “right” decisions in such uncertain environments?

5 NHH EMBA In Fintech

6 The Program in a Nutshell
Innovation of finance A broad take on “Fintech” Problem-driven structure Innovation in finance Interdisciplinary approach Guest lectures from international universities Participants from a broader set of industries Guests from “the real life”

7 Our Approach to Fintech
What is Fintech? Technology-enabled business model innovation in the financial sector Why is Fintech interesting? Innovation of finance will spur dramatic changes in the financial sector and beyond, by having major impacts on value creation and value capture, on the threats and opportunities faced by firms, and on broader market developments NHH EMBA In Fintech Opportunities and threats created by Fintech arise from the interaction between elements traditionally studied within fields such as technology, finance, strategy, marketing or leadership. Proper understanding of the different fintech-phenomena and their potential consequences, requires a tailored program that integrates and combine relevant knowledge from different fields NHH’s EMBA in Fintech is intended to be such a program

8 Norway/the Nordics leading the way in the Fintech Revolution?
High adoption rate of digital technologies in general. Lead users of digital banking services. High level of trust Parallel with mobile communication technology where the Nordics took the lead in developing an international standard (from NMT to GSM)

9 Interested and want to know more?
Please contact Eirik Sjåholm Knudsen, profile coordinator

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