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Women’s Rights Movement

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1 Women’s Rights Movement
Quest for “Equality” Women’s Rights Movement

2 Abigail Adams “And, by the way, in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would REMEMBER THE LADIES and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors.” Letter to husband (John), March 31, 1776

3 Seneca Falls Convention
“Declaration of Sentiments” drafted by Elizabeth Cady Stanton in 1848 presents the history of men’s abuse of women along with proposals to bring true female equality

4 National Women Suffrage Association, 1869
founded by Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony sought an amendment to national constitution for female suffrage opposed post-Civil War black suffrage without female suffrage

5 Wyoming, 1869 first territory (1869) & state (1890) to grant women full suffrage followed shortly by other (mostly western) states Why were western states the first to provide women suffrage?

6 Alice Paul & members of National Women’s Party protest at White House
Picketing White House, 1913 Alice Paul & members of National Women’s Party protest at White House

7 19th Amendment passed by Congress, 1919 ratified by States, 1920 “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”

8 Birth Control Margaret Sanger opens birth control clinic in NYC in 1916 founds American Birth Control League in 1921 (Planned Parenthood, 1942) FDA approves “the pill” in 1960 Griswold v. Connecticut, 1965 outlaws bans on birth control (right to privacy)

9 Television Stereotypes
TV shows of the 1950s & 1960s create icon of typical housewife staying at home while husband goes off to work To what extent is this accurate of real life? Has future TV challenged these stereotypes?

10 Equal Pay Act, 1963 made it illegal to pay women lower rates for the same job based solely on the basis of their sex 1963: women earned 59¢ for every $1 by men 2008: women earned 77¢ for every $1 by men

11 Betty Friedan 1963: authored book that suggested the typical housewife pined away the day asking herself: “Is there more?” 1966: founded National Organization for Women (aka NOW)

12 Gloria Steinem 1971: founded National Women’s Political Caucus 1972: founding editor of Ms. magazine major supporter of Equal Rights Amendment

13 Phyllis Schlafly believes modern feminism ignores intent of early reformers 1967: founded the Eagle Forum for conservative activism 1970s: organized the “Stop the ERA” movement

14 Roe v. Wade, 1973 prevents restrictions on abortion during 1st trimester based on Griswold’s “right to privacy” remains highly controversial example of modern “culture wars”

15 Equal Rights Amendment
1923: drafted by Alice Paul 1972: passed by Congress endorsed by Nixon given a 7 year deadline 1979: ratified by 35 states 38 required Red = ratified Yellow = ratified, then rescinded Green = not ratified, by approved by one house of state legislature Blue = not ratified

16 Equal Rights Amendment
“Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.” Why is this text so controversial?

17 Image Credits Abigail Adams painting: Seneca Falls painting : Stanton/Anthony photo: Wyoming quarter: Frontier photo: Kaiser Wilson photo: White House protest photo: 19th Amendment celebration photo: Suffrage Stamp: Margaret Sanger photo: Leave it to Beaver: Donna Reed Show: Cosby Show: Kennedy photo: Feminine Mystique cover: Betty Friedan photo: NOW logo: Gloria Steinem photo: Ms. magazine covers: Phyllis Schlafly photo: Eagle Forum logo: STOP ERA logo: ERA ratification map: Abortion signs: Supreme Court protest photo:

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