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Psychological preparation for the Marathon Des Sables

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1 Psychological preparation for the Marathon Des Sables
Andy Lane University of Wolverhampton Correspondence to: PURPOSES The purpose was to provide support for a 43-year old male athlete completing the Marathon Des Sable: six marathon races in six days in the Sahara Desert. Intervention work was focused on developing strategies to cope with negative mood states. RESULTS High scores for emotional intelligence signalled emotional awareness and the ability to regulate emotions to desired states. Mood state responses to intense training indicated fatigue increased and vigour reduced in response to intense training with minimal changes in the other states assessed. METHODS Mood monitoring was conducted 3-4 times per week through comments in a training diary and using a 16-item version of the BRUMS (Terry et al., 2003). The Emotional Intelligence Scale (Schutte et al., 1998) was also used. DISCUSSION The aim of the intervention work was to successfully complete the Marathon Des Sable by teaching the athlete strategies to regulate dysfunctional mood states. The athlete successfully completed the race, and pre-race mood states indicated that a stable emotional profile. However, it should be noted that the challenge was to develop resilient coping skills that would transfer from running long distance running in the UK to the heat of the Sahara. CONCLUSIONS & RELEVANCE Mood state theory and emotional intelligence provided the theoretical backdrop for successful marathon Des Sable completion. School of Sport, Performing Arts and Leisure

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