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Tsz Hang Yung Andrew Strobel Mahdi Massey Brian Rosenberger

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Presentation on theme: "Tsz Hang Yung Andrew Strobel Mahdi Massey Brian Rosenberger"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tsz Hang Yung Andrew Strobel Mahdi Massey Brian Rosenberger
TOP CAT : PHASE II P12352 Tsz Hang Yung Andrew Strobel Mahdi Massey Brian Rosenberger

2 Problem House cats maintain territories of considerable size, ranging from 6 – 70 acres Cats may enter different territories and engender territorial conflicts unbeknownst to owner(s) Violence may lead to serious injuries and infection (as well as costly veterinarian bills)

3 Goals Two short range devices which would prevent such a fight
Devices should fit on cat collar but not restrict movement Trigger at specified range Deter cats from each other in safest manner possible

4 Customer Needs Compact devices that fit on a collar (Weather/Cat Resistant) 5’ – 25’ Range Both collars detect each other and go off concurrently On/Off Switch Operation indicator Low battery detector Effective but safe stimulus Increasing stimulus (Linear or Exponential) Alert Owner*

5 Specification (metric)
Engineering Specs Revision # 3 Spec. # Importance Specification (metric) Unit of Measure Ideal Value S1 2 Transceiver on the collar N/A S2 Receiver on the collar S3 1 Range of device / maximum distance Feet 0' - 30' S4 Range of deterant S5 Safe Stimulus dB 1kHz - 40 kHz S6 Switch added between power and the circuit V V S7 Enclosure size Inches 0.8"x1"x0.5" S8 LED Indicating the device is powered Feature S9 LED Indicating the battery is low 2.7 S10 Battery Life Cycle Hours > 4 S11 Circuit Enclosure S12 Detection Time ms S13 Burst of Signal s S14 3 Both collars go off within a certain amount of time 6

6 Top Cat: Phase I Previous Team
Used RF as detection agent Feasible, but not the best technology when determining distance Boards could not meet size specifications

7 Phase II IR as a detector instead of RF
Low power usage Portability maintained Simple Smaller in size Analog exclusive instead of digital

8 System Breakdown

9 System Operation IR receiver and emitter on both collars
LED transmits 33 kHz modulated signal Receiver scans for 33 kHz signal Once signal is acquired, receiver triggers deterrent Deterrent separates cats away from one another

10 Circuit Schematic

11 Proof of Concept

12 Detection Range Test Results
In the Sun In the Shade

13 Alert Owner - RF Transmitter
Schematic Hardware

14 Alert Owner – RF Test Results
Resulting Waveform

15 Proof of Concept Final product with transducer outside the enclosure for demo purpose Final Product with populated PCB outside enclosure

16 Future Work Increase the range for the alert owner RF transmitter
Decrease size of enclosure Increase the number of collars More specialized battery with recharging circuit built in

17 Questions?

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