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JPIAMR WP5.3 Research infrastructures Actions 2018 – wrap up for MB Margreet Bloemers MB meeting Brussel, Feb 26, 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "JPIAMR WP5.3 Research infrastructures Actions 2018 – wrap up for MB Margreet Bloemers MB meeting Brussel, Feb 26, 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 JPIAMR WP5.3 Research infrastructures Actions 2018 – wrap up for MB Margreet Bloemers MB meeting Brussel, Feb 26, 2018

2 WP6b / WP5.3 RI wants to inform you & ask you to decide about

3 Working session + actions 2018 WRAP UP for Management board
1. Agreement on: the model for the web portal the end products for the deliverables & milestone The actions for developing – realising 2. Actions, challenges & solutions, opportunities: Decision needed from the MB Plaatjes bij 1 van model en end products Sheet 11 en 12 Ad 2 over wat er op de sheets is gezet

4 How will JPIAMR make d&c reusable for AMR research?
Microbial collections: Strains, pathogens, host isolates Associated data Make d&c fit for reuse Legacy d&c New d&c Human/animal collections: samples (blood, urine, …), tissue Associated data Collect information & list in catalogue d&c Require RDMS in JPIAMR call proposals Databases: behavioral, economic, QoL, etc. = action 4 = action 2 Guide to RI services Option to improve legacy d&c d&c = action 3

5 for search and support :
MODEL: web portal for AMR Research Infrastructure connected to JPIAMR VRI RI = facility with databases & collections (d&c) and RDMS services to use them. RDMS = research data management & stewardship (> FAIR principles) JPIAMR Virtual research institute = action 1 JPIAMR research OUTPUT: databases and collections AMR RI web portal for search and support : Search: Catalogue for d&c Search: Catalogue for RI services Support: RDMS guidelines & tools = action 2 End situation = action 3 = action 4

6 End situation related to deliverables and milestone of WP5.3 RI
JPIAMR research OUTPUT: databases and collections 2019: M19 Infrastructure Web portal 2020: D5.4 - Tailored dissemination of best practices on biobanking and data sharing relevant to AMR. Discussion: Do these end products meet the D/M for WP5.3? The deliverables will be implemented as guidelines & support (on basis of best practices from jpiamr-projects) on the platform, In other words: we show/use on one hand what we gained from our jpiamr projects (=D5.3), and on the other hand what we facilitate for the AMR research field in general (=D5.4) As I will point out in my talk, this deliverable will give us the chance to invest in the improvement of existing d&c for future research. In the background documents you can read how this is based upon the recommendations of the SAB in Also the recommendations are rendered in our action plan. D5.3 - Tailored dissemination of shared knowledge and best practices in biobanking and data sharing generated from JPIAMR projects and activities. (M24) D5.4 - Tailored dissemination of best practices in biobanking and data sharing relevant to AMR. (M36) Milestone MS19 Infrastructure webportal (M24 ) 2019: D5.3 - Tailored dissemination of shared knowledge and best practices in biobanking and data sharing generated from JPIAMR projects and activities. ?

7 WG6b RI – 2018 activities are aimed at:
Developing a web portal for AMR which includes Action 1: developing (- realising) a web portal, connected to VRI Action 2: developing (- realising) a catalogue for d&c Action 3: developing (- realising) a catalogue for RI services Action 4: developing (- setting) RDMS in JPIAMR projects Requirements & guidelines for supporting researchers in implementing RDMS in JPIAMR research projects (for creating FAIR and sustainable d&c) B. Wish list and plans for 2019 (Business) model for sustainable databases and collections Improving the quality of existing d&c Stimulating the use of standards in RDMS (metadata, ontology, repository) Participate in VALUE-Dx consortium: extend inventory strains & samples; creating synergy for AMR research Develop a model for sustainable d&c apply to JPIAMR projects collaborate with VALUE-Dx consortium experts and planned actions Improve the quality of d&c from JPIAMR projects (> making them more FAIR) Stimulate JPIAMR researchers to use standards for ontology, metadata, repositories (etc) to enhance reusability and interoperability Create a platform for data integration (like ENPADASI) Participate in the VALUE-Dx consortium for: More extensive mapping of AMR related strains and samples Developing a standard for sustainable biobanking and associated databases (toon de deliverables)

8 VALUE-Dx: proposal to IMI2 13th call, topic 3 AMR
“The value of diagnostics to combat antimicrobial resistance by optimising antibiotic use” ZonMw participates, ensuring synergy with JPIAMR, exchanging expertise, in the VALUE-Dx consortium (H.Goossens) for developing a standard for AMR biobanking (with associated databases) and a business model for sustainability Hundreds of thousands of individuals have freely donated samples in exchange for the promise of advancing medical research. But most of these samples are …. sitting unused in lab freezers.

9 Closer look to + DISCUSSION: EXEDRA objectives, deliverables, milestone
Challenges & solutions concerning: 1. Reuse of d&c 2. Barriers for sharing: > solutions? 3. Tailored dissemination: knowledge – best practices 4. Sustainable d&c Gather feedback / response to the items >> make a common agreement about our aims and ambitions

10 WHO decides about opportunities, challenges, solutions, end situation WP?
End products: Catalogue d&c Catalogue RI services DMP Web portal Input for deliverable / milestone: D5.3 D5.4 M19 Who decides? levels of decision: Management Board JPIAMR: representatives EC & member countries Steering committee Participating countries / representatives in EXEDRA EXEDRA Working group 6b, WP5.3 RI >> performing:  ACTION 2  ACTION 3  ACTION 4  ACTION 1 Financial decision

11 WP6b / WP5.3 RI wants to inform you & ask you to decide about

12 Challenges in actions Action 2-3 – catalogue d&c and RI services:
1. Collect information about legacy d&c: Suggestions for mapping items (spec for AMR) Sug’s for rources of information + experts about RI’s Map accessibility of d&c Assess quality and description of d&c How to keep the information up to date?! 2. Stepwise approach to build the catalogue: 1- list the legacy d&c 2- show accessibility 3- How to manage & finance the catalogues? ……. sustainability

13 Challenges in actions Action 4 – developing RDMS: Template/tool/procedure/requirements RDMS will be mandatory for all applicants in JPIAMR calls 2. Precondition for implementing RDMS in calls - suggestions: Organise a common approach for DM among all JPI’s Find solution for funding during / after project 3. Organise DM in JPIAMR calls: review of DMP’s by experts 4. Address barriers for researchers: Concerns about sharing > incentives? - “what’s in it for them?” Address IP

14 Challenges in actions Action 4 – developing RDMS:
Financing RDMS and sustainable / reusable d&c Address the issue at EU commission R&D Find solution for financing the long term availability of d&c (sustainability) Jpiamr grant includes funding rdms during project Funding of data preservation and sharing after project?

15 Next steps: ZonMw, Margreet Bloemers, +31 70 3495237
Start performing the actions Address the challenges & solutions named today Your input will be welcomed & asked for specific issues ZonMw, Margreet Bloemers

16 The WP5.3 deliverables and milestones
Milestone 19 (EXEDRA: 24M= Jan 2019), Infrastructure Web portal Deliverable 5.3 (EXEDRA: 24M = Jan 2019), Tailored dissemination of shared knowledge and best practices in biobanking and data sharing generated from JPIAMR projects and activities: Agree on end situation (?) D5.3 = information about reusability and access to d&c from former JPIAMR projects; and up to date requirements & guidelines & tooling for rdms in AMR research projects. Deliverable 5.4 (EXEDRA: 36M = Jan 2020),Tailored dissemination of best practices on biobanking and data sharing relevant to AMR: Agree on end situation (?) D5.4 = to broaden deliverable 5.3 to suit AMR research outside JPIAMR. It will include new knowledge and policies for sustainable biobanking and data sharing.


18 Research Infrastructures > What & why?
EXEDRA objective: Increased joint support for the use and maintenance of critical European and global research infrastructure of relevance to the AMR scientific community. Financial support will be mobilized in order to collect, characterize, increase awareness of, and to provide access to samples and data from publicly funded projects. Legal barriers to share samples and data will be lowered or removed by identifying paths of possible alignment of national rules and regulations.

19 WHY. >> Data sharing – data reuse
WHY? >> Data sharing – data reuse > adding value to research output Improve overall quality of your research Verify research findings; replication research; prevent fraude Enlarge, strenghten databases, data-infrastructure New linkages allow new and different research questions Inform (healthcare) policy and practice Allow citizen / patient participation; economic development, innovation Return on investment, saving research budget, animals, administration, time LANCET (2014) Increasing value, reducing waste FAIR data 1e set = for science 2e set = voor society Integriteit Hergebruik van data: Data delen Voordelen van hergebruik Return on investment (belastinggeld!) Replicatieonderzoek Kwaliteit van onderzoek Bureaucratie? Ik heb geen speaking notes ontvangen maar Stan heeft tijdens de RvB-vergadering van vanochtend verteld over de Open Science-bijeenkomst afgelopen maandag in Brussel: “Het is duidelijk dat de EC (met Moedas en Smits voorop) vaart wil maken met open science en datamanagement. Tijdens de bijeenkomst in Brussel kwamen wat bezwaren aan het licht ten aanzien van bureaucratie rondom datamanagement(plannen). Stan heeft voorgesteld, als ik het goed begrepen heb, dat NWO de lead zal nemen om samen met andere Europese councils te komen tot zoveel mogelijk dezelfde randvoorwaarden met betrekking tot datamanagement. Hij verwees daarbij naar het werk van de SE WG RDMP onder voorzitterschap van Peter. Verder moeten natuurlijk hierbij ook de universiteiten (VSNU) betrokken worden. Stan wil graag binnenkort met Peter en mij om tafel om dit verder te bespreken.’

20 Closer look to + DISCUSSION: EXEDRA objectives, deliverables, milestone
1. Reuse of d&c: Support for use of RI / d&c (JPIAMR / public funded) Collect & characterize d&c Increase awareness of d&c Promote access to d&c 2. Barriers for sharing: > solutions? Legal issues, national rules, regulations Other? Gather feedback / response to the items >> make a common agreement about our aims and ambitions

21 Survey of strains and samples relevant for AMR
ZonMw’s surveys: 2018: survey in JPIAMR WP5.3 RI task: microbial resources (strain collections generated in JPIAMR projects) 2019: extending the survey in VALUE-Dx WP7: Strain collections outside JPIAMR Human resources

22 background Since 2015, thirteen ESFRI Research Infrastructures from the field of BioMedical Science (BMS RI) joined their scientific capabilities and services to transform the understanding of biological mechanisms and accelerate its translation into medical care. biobanking & biomolecular resources curated databases highly pathogenic microorganisms functional genomics microorganisms translational research marine model organisms screening & medicinal chemistry structural biology clinical trials plant phenotyping biological/medical imaging systems biology

23 Mission Modern biological and biomedical research involves complex projects and a variety of different technologies. Some of the most important discoveries are made at the interface between different disciplines. CORBEL will harmonise access and services for complex research projects involving more than one RI that offer: biological and medical technologies biological samples and data services

24 WHO decides about opportunities, challenges, solutions, end situation WP?
End products: Catalogue d&c Catalogue RI services DMP Web portal Input for deliverable / milestone: D5.3 D5.4 M19 Who decides? levels of decision: Management Board JPIAMR: representatives EC & member countries Steering committee Member countries / representatives in EXEDRA Working group members EXEDRA WP 5.3 RI Financial decision AGREE? Y/N

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