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Potential Role of Methylation in NSCLC

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1 Potential Role of Methylation in NSCLC
Michael J. Kelley, MD Duke University Medical Center Durham Veterans Administration Hospital Durham, NC

2 Restriction-Modification System
Eco RI bacteria ….GAATTC…. ….CTTAAG…. phage Foreign DNA: cut at the restriction site Host DNA: methylated at the restriction site and protected from restriction enzyme Adapted from drawing by Akira Sasaki, Kyushu University

3 DNA Methylation in Mammals
DNA methyl transferase spontaneous deamination 2’-deoxycytidine 5-methyl-2’-deoxycytidine 2’-deoxythymidine

4 DNA Methylation in Mammals
5-CH3-C is % of all bases Mammalian DNA methylated on C of CpG dinucleotides Heritable characteristic in cell division CpG dinucleotides underrepresented in genome Sites of deamination resulting in C to T transitions * ...NNNCGNNN... ...NNNGCNNN... *

5 DNA Methylation CpG islands near promoter regions
Hypermethylation associated with gene silencing Methylation normally found in: X-chromosome inactivation in females Genetic imprinting Silencing of parasitic sequences Gene regulation Germline-specific genes (e.g., MAGE) ? Tissue-specific genes

6 Gene Imprinting Epigenetic chromosomal modification that results in parent-of-origin monoallelic expression Imprinted genes: IGF2, M6P/IGF2R (mice), NOEY2, H19, PEG1/MEST, PEG3 Mechanisms: methylation of promoter (NNAT) or other control elements (M6P/IGF2R; other mechanisms

7 DNA Methylation Patterns in Cancer
Global hypomethylation (20-60% less) Chromosomal instability Reactivation of transposable elements Loss of imprinting Silencing tumor suppressor genes

8 p16 Alterations in NSCLC Cell Lines
p16 Alteration (percent) Site Stage Nakagawa K, et al., 1995 Oncogene

9 Genes Silenced by Promoter Methylation in Lung Cancer
cell cycle control p16, others tumor cell invasion cadherins cell growth control APC DNA repair MGMT apoptosis DAPK APC Clin Cancer Res Jul;7(7): ~600 genes with hypermethylated CpG islands in cancer Re-expression of these genes are the true targets of “DNA methylation” therapeutic strategies

10 DNA Methylation Modulators
Pyrimidine analogs 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine (decitabine) 5-aza-cytidine farazabine DNA methyltransferase 1 antisense MG-98 Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors Depsipeptide

11 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine (decitabine)
C*-C*-C*-C*-C* parental DNA methyl transferase DNA replication C*-C*-C*-C*-C* C--C--C--C--C parental daughter 2’-deoxycytidine 5-methyl- 2’-deoxycytidine DNMTase1 C*-C*-C*-C*-C* C--C--C-aC--C* parental daughter DNMTase1 DNA replication 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine (decitabine) C--C--C--C--C* C--C--C-aC--C* daughter-2 daughter

12 Decitabine Induces re-expression of p16 and other genes in tumor cells in vitro (~1 uM) Reduces tumorigenicity in vivo of tumor cells exposed in vitro Induces p16 in human tumor xenograft in rats Inactive in solid tumors in phase I/II trials in 1980’s as short infusion Cancer Res 1998 Jan 1;58(1):95-101 EORTC 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine. Preclinical and clinical trials. PCH Publications, Haarlem, The Netherlands, 1990

13 Phase I-II Trial of Decitabine in NSCLC
15 pt’s, stage IV NSCLC mg/m2 IV over 8 h q 5-6 wks MTD = 660 mg/m2; DLT = hematologic No objective responses; 4 SD > 6 mos (9, 15, 16, 81 mos) Cmaxss at MTD = ug/mL (2-70 nM) Momparler RL et al., 1997 Anti-Cancer Drugs; Momparler RL & Ayuob, J, 2001 Lung Cancer

14 Phase I Study of Decitabine
19 pt's: 12 melanoma, 4 breast, kidney, colon, bladder DAC mg/m2/d CIV x 3d q 28d MTD = 30 mg/m2/d CIV x 3 d q 28d; DLT = neutropenia No objective responses tumor biopsies before and on day 7; methylation of 16 genes: no change in degree of methylation Weber JS et al, 2001 PASCO

15 MG-98 Second generation phosphorothioate antisense oligonucleotide for DNMT1 In vitro inhibition of DNMT1 transcription, IC nM Phase I trial: DLT observed (hepatic) Css = nM at tolerable doses Phase II studies in H&N, renal cell Siu LL, et al., 2000 PASCO

16 Malignancy-Associated, Epigenetic Gene Silencing
Normal Cell DNMTs HATs HDACs TF A A MBDs MBDs 1 2 3 Cancer Cell DNMTs HDACs HDACs R MBDs HATs R MBDs 1 2 3 Esteller & Herman J Pathol 2002

17 Methylation: Early Detection and Disease Monitoring
Promoter methylation occurs in preinvasive lesions MSP assays: sensitivity to 1 in 106 Prediagnostic detection in sputum, blood Degree of methylation in blood associated with stage in NSCLC

18 Summary: Methylation in NSCLC
Epigenetic modification leading to loss of TSG expression Requires 2 rounds of DNA replication prior to gene re-expression Hypomethylation associated with some aspects of malignant phenotype In human trials, induction of TSG expression has yet to be demonstrated Potentially useful for early detection or therapeutic monitoring

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