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English 10 Honors Spring Semester

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1 English 10 Honors Spring Semester
Debate Unit English 10 Honors Spring Semester

2 Who’s to Blame? RESOLVED:
Macbeth is a victim of fate who was simply following his prescribed destiny when he committed the crimes. Lady Macbeth made Macbeth murder King Duncan and set him down a path of crime and destruction. She is as much to blame as Macbeth. The witches are responsible for Macbeth's actions. They used their supernatural powers to make him do it. Macbeth is not an evil man; he is a good man who let his ambition get the best of him. He made a terrible mis­take that any one of us could make.

1. Set the scene. Provide a brief overview of what happened. Describe Macbeth’s relationship to the other character(s) implicated in the argument. 2. Outline the facts. List at least three pieces of factual evidence from the play that sup­port your assigned opinion in the prompt. Provide lines from the text that correspond to each piece of factual evidence. HELPFUL PROMPT: “Ladies and gentlemen of the court, the evidence will show that [insert chosen argument]...” HELPFUL TIP: An opening statement sticks to the facts. Save any editorializing and persua­sion for the closing statement.

1. Recap the evidence. 2. Provide persuasive arguments that support the defense’s theory. HELPFUL PROMPT: “Ladies and gentlemen of the court, as we've seen from the evidence it is clear that [insert cho­sen argument]…” HELPFUL TIP: Use as many persua­sive strategies as possible in your closing statement, such as: ethos, logos, and pathos; you may include a call to action, etc.

5 Pro Side - 1 Minute opening argument Con Side - 1 Minute opening argument Pro side begins their supportive arguments Volleying back and forth (Con side provides the counterargument, Pro side can respond) Break to confer with team Con side begins supportive arguments Volleying back and forth (Pro side provides counterargument, pro side can respond) Break to confer with team Volleying back and forth Con Side - 1 Minute closing argument Pro Side - 1 Minute closing argument

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