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DSQR Training PPAP Bill Kennedy Corporate Quality

2 Reliance System - PPAP Initiating a Supplier PPAP
Once logged in, to initiate a new PPAP click the PPAP icon.

3 Reliance System - PPAP Initiating a Supplier PPAP
To initiate a New PPAP, click the drop down button on the toolbar, and select the corresponding document.

4 Reliance System - PPAP Initiating a Supplier PPAP
Suppliers MUST fill out the top section of the PPAP Initiation Form

5 Reliance System - PPAP Initiating a Supplier PPAP
Initiation Contact Info This section pertains to the general document information: Supplier Name – Enter supplier name. Quality Contact– Enter your quality contact information. Location – Enter your location information.

6 Reliance System - PPAP Initiating a Supplier PPAP
Initiation Contact Info (Continued) EC Number– N/A to supplier Part Name – Enter name of part Part Number – Enter number of part Drawing Revision– Enter the revision number if a revision has been made Review Date – This field allows the author to identify a date on which the document should be reviewed after its approval. By default, it is set at one year Estimated Date for Production – This field allows the author to define a date for production

7 Reliance System - PPAP Initiating a Supplier PPAP
Fill out Change Information Fill out the sections for the desired change as well as the reason for the change. Move to Rheem Review Phase Click on the Supplier PPAP Review button to send the document to the next phase.

8 Reliance System - PPAP Initiating a Supplier PPAP
Move to Rheem Review Phase A pop-up dialog will appear. This date and assign to fields will be automatically selected. Click OK to send to the next stage.

9 Reliance System - PPAP E-mail Notifications
Upon receipt and review by Rheem PPAP requirements will be defined and the PPAP returned to the supplier for completion. Automatic notification will be sent via to the affected supplier. The will contain a URL link to the document itself in Reliance.

10 Reliance System - PPAP PPAP Requirements
Supplier Input Phase After Rheem Review the PPAP will be sent back to you. You will receive a notification through . The marked check boxes and additional information will define PPAP requirements. Attach each required document under the “Information Attachments” section.

11 Reliance System - PPAP Attaching a document
Document Body Section Attaching documents: Click the Attachment icon button Browse for the appropriate file. Click Attach File button You should see the file in the area for attachments. 1. 4. 2. 3

12 Reliance System - PPAP Moving it forward
At the top of the document you will see the phase tracker. The phase with the red arrow above it is the current phase. The next phase available is the “Supplier PPAP Approval” phase, which is indicated by a blue outline. To send it forward: Click the “Supplier PPAP Approval” phase on the phase In the next screen, if all the information looks correct press the green “OK” button Rheem will receive automatic notification via

13 Reliance System - PPAP If PPAP Is Returned..
If the PPAP is “not accepted”, the supplier will receive a returned stating that the PPAP needs to be revised for completion. The supplier must log back in to Reliance, read the comments, and make the necessary changes to the PPAP. The supplier must re-attach the revised PPAP documents and move it forward again for completion.

14 Reliance System – PPAP PPAP Completed
Once the PPAP is approved and moved to completion, the information is stored historically in Reliance.


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