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Inside out: The “Original” Code of Ethics
Aboriginal Social Work Committee March 14, 2008 Presenters: Co-Chairs: Brenda Gladue, BSW, Karen English, BSW Monica Redcrow, BSW; Willy Alexson, Elder; Kurtis Gladue, Spiritual Helper
AGENDA 8:30 Opening Prayer – Elder: Willy Alexson; Spiritual Helper: Kurtis Gladue Introductions – Aboriginal Social Work Committee & Members; Terms of Reference; Strategic Goals; Handouts 9:00 Cultural Competency: Quiz and Pre-Workshop Evaluation 9:15 Video on Diversity and Segregation 9:30 Terminology and Aboriginal Protocol 10:00-10:30 BREAK 10:30 Social Work Code of Ethics: Aboriginal Natural Laws 11:30-1:30 LUNCH 1:30 Debrief 2:00 Foundation of Aboriginal Paradigm: Tipi Aboriginal Model: Found Critical Components (Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, Mental) 3:00-3:30 3:30 Questions and Answers; Post workshop Evaluations; Closing Video; Best Practices for Aboriginal People Conference Evaluations 4:30 Closing Prayer – Willy Alexson; Kuris Gladue
“The longest journey in your life is from your head to your heart and back again to find balance.”
Author: unknown
Aboriginal Social Work Committee (ASWC)
The ACSW recognizes the inherent rights of Aboriginal Peoples in order to change systems that have negatively impacted their lives and communities. The ACSW recognizes that there is a distinct need to address the issues surrounding Aboriginal communities and their social work experiences, and in doing so, seeks the advice of the Aboriginal Social Work Committee.
ASWC Mandate The mission of the ASWC is to identify and advise the ACSW on Indigenous issues that it foresees as affecting the needs, methods, delivery and practices of social work. ASWC acts in advisory capacity to the ACSW council on issues related to Aboriginal Social Workers.
Aboriginal Social Work
"…Regulated members are permitted to provide psychosocial intervention using traditional aboriginal practices if the member has received training and guidance in the use of traditional aboriginal approaches and is recognized by an aboriginal community as being competent in the use of traditional aboriginal practices". (Social Work Regulation, Section 12)
Terms of Reference Goals
To advise Council of the diversity of Aboriginal Protocols, Customs, Traditions, Culture, Spirituality and Rituals. To identify and advise Council on Indigenous issues at the international, national, provincial and grassroots level. To encourage the recognition of inherent rights and traditional holistic healing practices. To encourage the development of continued competency requirements that embrace an Aboriginal component. To identify Aboriginal Social Workers and encourage their involvement on ACSW committees, projects and activities. To facilitate the understanding of cross cultural practices and values. To facilitate the acceptance of change with a holistic perspective.
ASWC 2008 Strategic Goals Provincial initiative to bring a united voice among Aboriginal people and to create a social change that addresses the socio-economic concerns affecting Aboriginal People.
ASWC 2008 Strategic focus Communication – vehicle for Aboriginal news/ events/ initiatives Membership – increase involvement Networking – uniting Aboriginal voices Teaching/Education – cultural relevent Special Projects – Aboriginal model Approval from Council for yearly Budget to cover costs for activities
Aboriginal Competency
Handouts: Quiz and Answers Resources: ? Educational systems: Cultural education not in curriculum (elementary, secondary, post secondary) Legacy from History: laws, social norms, bureaucracy, values (meritocracy, paternalistic, oppression)
Indecently Exposed with Jane Elliot
Video Indecently Exposed with Jane Elliot
What is a Spiritual Helper? How do you identify an Elder? WHAT IS THE PROTOCOL? Indian, Aboriginal, Native, Indigenous, ??? Which one???
Social Work Code of Ethics
Professional Diversity: “The COE does not specify which values and principles are most important & which outweigh others in instances of conflict” Mainstream identifies self by profession while Aboriginal people identify by family and community Social work is a recognized profession where individuals choose to pursue this career. Aboriginal Helpers are identified by community, Elders or family and sometimes had no choice. Aboriginal community members all have responsibilities to society as “helpers” and work in various environments ranging from spiritual to community without boundaries by sectors: employment, corrections, child welfare, education, health, political involvement, leaders, etc. Helpers see themselves as “social workers” in the modern context but not in terms of “qualified, licensed practitioner”.
Social Work Code of Ethics and Aboriginal Laws
Value 1: “Respect for the Inherent Dignity & Worth of Persons” – uphold human rights but can “uphold the right of society to impose limitations on the self-determination of individuals” Aboriginal Law: no one person’s way is right and we never force anyone – freedom of choice always Value 3: Service to Humanity “When acting in a professional capacity… use their power and authority in disciplined and responsible ways that serve society” Aboriginal Law: No individual is more important than another; Individuals hold no power or authority over anyone;
Social Work Code of Ethics and Aboriginal Laws
Value 4: “Social workers strive for impartiality in their professional practice, and refrain from imposing their personal values, views & preferences on clients.” Principle: “avoid relationships where their integrity or impartiality may be compromised..” Aboriginal helpers strive to build rapport, develop relationships, build trust and often use traditional practices customs and beliefs to influence an individual to return to traditional practices, beliefs and customs. Principle: create open and honest dialogue to build relationship and demonstrate integrity
Social Work Code of Ethics and Aboriginal Laws
Value 5: Confidentiality to Professional Practice “Social workers only disclose confidential information to other parties (including family members) with the informed consent of clients, clients’ legally authorized representatives or when required by law or court order” “Social workers respect the client’s right to confidentiality of information shared in a professional context.” Aboriginal Law: Any information shared by an individual to a Helper cannot be disclosed to anyone else unless protocol is followed. An individual’s identity is never disclosed to anyone. Personal information is shared during various ceremonies; content is never disclosed to anyone outside of circle once ceremony is complete. An individual’s word or handshake is binding. Aboriginals do not talk about each other, especially if the words are negative and the other person is not present (viewed as gossip and frowned on).
Social Work Code of Ethics and Aboriginal Laws
Value 6: “Competence in Professional Practice” “Social workers respect a client’s right to competent social worker services” “Social workers demonstrate due care for client’s interests and safety by limiting professional practice to areas of demonstrated competence” Social workers strive to maintain and increase their professional knowledge and skill Law determines competency: Traditional helpers have “earned” or “been given” the rights to some ceremonies by traditional Elders Helpers are taught by Elders who are culturally recognized IN THEIR OWN communities Knowledge is not something that can be paid for, bought or acquired through an educational institution. Helpers do not all learn the same information, nor are they “qualified” to provide every practice or ceremony. Mainstream social workers do not have access to these learning systems to gain competency or knowledge.
Best Practices & Standards of Practice
“The standard of care ordinarily expected of a competent social worker. It means that the public is assured that a social worker has the training, the skill and the diligence to provide them with social work services” Best Practices for Aboriginal People would involve criteria that assures the Aboriginal public that a social worker or Helper has the training, the skill and the diligence to provide Aboriginal people with social work services. Ideally, this would mean that social work, as a profession, acknowledges the unique learning in Aboriginal environments that is critical in the development of “qualified” helpers. Social workers must identify their limitations, and in the intent of best practices, begin to access these “qualified” helpers.
DEBRIEF Thoughts, feelings, questions?
Foundation of Aboriginal Model
Spirituality Relationships Community Life Mother Earth
Foundation Tipi represents: individual, home, community Poles used to build foundation of tipi The 3 poles are the key poles in construction of tipi Poles represent: spirituality, community and relationships All aspects of our Aboriginal culture are built on the philosophies grounded on the values of spirituality, relationships and community Fire represents life, healing: Mother Earth represents all Life. Each is interdependent on the other – pull one away and the other two poles fall.
Reaching Our Relations as Aboriginal Helpers in Social Work
Aboriginal Paradigm Aboriginal people develop a sense of belonging in communities from their unique connection with spirituality and the strength of their relationships Each key element is connected to each other through various “links” or “aspects” that each person experiences in life. Assessments should be extensive to explore all links that connect to an Aboriginal person. Exploration of each aspect in an Aboriginal’s life will identify the specific “links that connect”; to supports and the foundation in their life and home; their families, their communities and the relationship with “Mother Earth”.
Aboriginal Model
Spiritual - Kurtis Traditional/ Aboriginal European/ Western
Emotional - Karen Traditional/ Aboriginal Western / European
Physical - Monica Aboriginal/ Traditional Western/ European
Mental - Brenda Traditional/ Helper Western/ European
Questions/ Answers
Video Closing Video – a practicum social worker student’s learning experience working with Aboriginal people Courtesy of Tina Scott Red Deer College Social Work Program
Evaluations Post cultural competency
Alberta College Social Work workshop evaluations CLOSING PRAYER
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