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Catalysing Ocean Finance: The GloBallast Case Study

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1 Catalysing Ocean Finance: The GloBallast Case Study
Andrew Hudson Head, UNDP Water & Ocean Governance Pgm & Principal Technical Advisor, Int’l Waters, UNDP-GEF

2 Catalysing Ocean Finance – Key Messages
Most ocean threats – hypoxia, acidification, habitat loss, ocean warming, invasive aquatic species – accelerating All are due to policy & market failures; for ship invasives is lack of internalizing cost of ‘clean’ ballast water in ship operations Suite of (3) methodologies have proven effective at achieving local, national, regional and global ocean governance reforms Modest sums public finance (GEF$) can create enabling policy environment which can catalyse sizeable sums public & private finance and transform entire ocean sectors towards sustainability Opportunity in late 1990’s to build on and strengthen international efforts on ballast water already underway through IMO

3 Catalysing Ocean Finance Case Studies
Case Study Methodology/Approach GEF Grants ($ m.) Catalysed Public & Private Finance Catalytic Ocean Finance Ratio Result Danube/Black Sea basin TDA/SAP 51.9 2,980 57:1 Reduced nutrient loads, reversal of Black Sea hypoxic area Yellow Sea LME 14.744 10,860 737:1 30% reduction fishing capacity, 10% reduction nutrient discharges every 5 years Rio de la Plata /Maritime Front 9.31 2,620 281:1 Significant reductions in sewage, nutrient, industrial pollution loads to RPMF E. Asian Seas /PEMSEA ICM 36.1 10,000 277:1 11% of East Asian coastline under ICM (vs. ~0% baseline); 20% target for 2015 W/C Pacific Fisheries Build on regional legal framework 15.1 3,214 222:1 Moving 1/3 world’s tuna fishery towards sustainability GloBallast Build on global legal framework 14 35,000 2,500:1 New global convention on ship BW; significant reductions in invasive species introductions

4 Generic Approach to building on global and regional legal frameworks

5 GloBallast Project Strategy

6 GloBallast – Catalysing a Global Convention on Ship Ballast Water

7 New opportunities to further catalyse shipping sector transformation towards sustainability

8 Shipping energy efficiency standards
Approach Tools, methodologies, standards, guidelines to promote uptake IMO EE guidelines Ship Management Plans (SEEMP) Ship Design Standards (EEDI) Facilitate PS R&D Costs/Benefits/Catalysis Public Cost: $10-20 million Benefits and avoided costs: Climate impacts $19 billion/yr (2050) Fuel savings $90-$310/billion/yr (2030) Catalysed Finance: many billions $

9 Ship Hull Fouling – Invasive Species Vector
Approach Support convention negotiations & enhanced nat’l/reg’l implementation capacity Tools, methodologies, standards, guidelines Facilitate private sector technology R&D Costs/Benefits/Catalysis Public costs: $10 million Benefits/avoided costs: $10-90 billion/yr Catalysed Finance: $10-30 billion?

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