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Objectives • Element abundances in the Earth

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives • Element abundances in the Earth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives • Element abundances in the Earth
• Chemical bonds in crystals and their influence on physical properties • Coordination polyhedra & Pauling’s rules • Common structure types

2 Periodic table of elements
Klein Fig 3.22

3 What is the Earth made of?

4 What is the crust made of?
Klein Fig 3.2

5 Bond type and hardness diamond graphite
diamond graphite

6 Ions: Charge and radius
Wenk & Bulakh

7 Coordination polyhedra
Klein22 Fig3.35

8 Ionic radius and C.N. Klein22 Fig3.31
Klein22 Fig3.31

9 Coordination number C.N.
Wenk & Bulakh

10 Electrostatic valency
+ 1/6 Na Cl-

11 Sharing decreases stability

12 Close-packed structures
3 positions A Sphere B Void C Void B C

13 Hexagonal close-packed structure - hcp

14 Hexagonal Close-Packed Structure - hcp

15 Hexagonal Close-Packed Structure - hcp
B ABAB....

16 Cubic close-packed structure - fcc or ccp

17 Cubic Close-Packed Structure - fcc or ccp

18 Cubic Close-Packed Structure - fcc or ccp

19 Cubic close-packed structure - fcc or ccp

20 Cubic close-packed structure - fcc or ccp

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