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PEARLING Macbeth 1 Friday, 16 November 2018.

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1 PEARLING Macbeth 1 Friday, 16 November 2018

2 What you need to show You understand the question
You can recognise the subtext in what you are reading You can recognise and respond to words chosen for their specific effect. You can choose a suitable quotation as evidence and “show your working”- relating to the question and your point.

3 SO: How does Shakespeare show Macbeth to be uncertain in Act 1.3?
P ( examples) Macbeth is constantly asking questions… Macbeth seeks clarification from the witches… Macbeth is aware of the two sides of the witches’ prophecy.

4 EVIDENCE and Analysis:
“And Thane of Cawdor, went it not so?” Macbeth is questioning Banquo immediately after the witches leave because he is not certain that he has heard (interpreted) the witches correctly – the impression is that he is looking to Banquo for advice. You could add that the iambic stress falling on the word “Thane” at the start of the line indicates his ambitious focus on rank.

5 EVIDENCE and Analysis:
“Stay you imperfect speakers, I know I am thane of Glamis, but how of Cawdor” Here Macbeth calls the witches “imperfect speakers” which suggests that their message is not clear to him. He also asks them to further explain their message since he is uncertain of what he has heard. Again he focuses his thoughts on his rank and the possibility of advancement…

6 EVIDENCE and Analysis and Relation to the rest of the text:
“This supernatural solliciting can not be ill; cannot be good” Macbeth is clear that such temptation as he has been offered from the witches has positive and negative connotations. To a contemporary audience the “supernatural” had connotations of evil and blasphemous activity and “solliciting” is a term generally used of one trying to tempt the listener into indiscretions. He goes on to weigh the arguments in his mind balancing a good image that “doth unfix” his hair – terrifying him – against an evil image which is already coming true.

7 Your responses You had two questions to consider.
You need to risk getting an answer wrong in order to start to get it right! Work with your neighbour and discuss your responses. We will share a few.

8 Next task “In 1.5, how is the character of Lady Macbeth portrayed by Shakespeare?” This short essay question needs planning. Start with a “role on the wall”. What does she say to herself and to Macbeth that indicates character? This activity should give you plenty of “evidence”. Then: Choose one image from her speeches in the scene and reproduce in in picture form, being sure to write the quotation clearly on the picture.

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