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My Soul Delighteth in the Words of Isaiah

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1 My Soul Delighteth in the Words of Isaiah
Lesson 9 Book of Mormon Lesson 9 - My Soul Delighteth in the Words of Isaiah

2 Recap Lesson 8 Understand our need for the Atonement of Jesus Christ
Learn how to receive all the blessings of the Atonement Recap Lesson 8

3 Purpose Understand how the prophecies of Isaiah apply in our lives

4 Role of Seers - Mosiah 8:17–18
What are seers able to see? Why are seers so important for us?

5 Isaiah Writes of Christ’s Birth
Isaiah Writes of Christ’s Birth (62339; Gospel Art Picture Kit 113) Isaiah Writes of Christ’s Birth

6 Why Nephi Quoted Isaiah
Scripture Reason 1 Nephi 19:23 To “more fully persuade them to believe in the Lord” 2 Nephi 11:2–4 To provide another witness of Jesus Christ 2 Nephi 11:5–6, 8 To help us (his readers) rejoice 2 Nephi 25:3 To reveal God’s judgments

7 Keys to better understand the writings of Isaiah
“Liken all scriptures unto us” “Know … concerning the manner of prophesying among the Jews” “Know the judgments of God” “Know concerning the regions round about [Jerusalem]” Be “filled with the spirit of prophecy”

8 Salt Lake Temple Salt Lake Temple (62433; Gospel Art Picture Kit 502)

9 Jesus the Christ Jesus the Christ (62572; Gospel Art Picture Kit 240)

10 Conclusion The Savior gave His approval of Isaiah’s teachings in this statement: “Yea, a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah” (3 Nephi 23:1). Conclusion

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