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Lilly ,Lara ,Mario & Rodrigo

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1 Lilly ,Lara ,Mario & Rodrigo
Athelney Jones Self Important Stupid Lilly ,Lara ,Mario & Rodrigo Patronsing

2 Analysis Evidence How is he like this This can be seen in the text
Stupid This can be seen in the novel in chapter 6, when he is investigating the place where Bartholomew died and he ignores evidence like the footsteps and makes a stupid theory that Thaddeus killed his brother to steal the treasure. Is stupid because he ignores evidence that Sherlock found and say that Sherlock is wrong even though he isn’t. “Ask Mr. Sholto to step this way… I arrest you in the Queens name as being concerned in the death of your brother” The use of the verb “concerned” shows how he is shoddy and ignores evidence just so his theory is right.

3 Analysis Evidence How is he like this This can be seen in the text
Patronising Jones considers himself as a real detective while holmes is actually the real detective Its Mr. Sherlock, the theorist In the rest of the novel in Chapter 6 Jones carries on with his insults to Holmes. He calls him many times “theorist” and tries to show his superiority. The use of the noun “ theorist” shows his distain for Holmes

4 Analysis Evidence How is he like this This can be seen in the text
Self important Is convinced he will be able to solve the case and that his deductions are correct The use of the determiner ‘every’ shows that he thinks all of the clues match his theory – even though the reader knows that he is just trying to make them fit his theory and he is wrong. “confirms it in every respect, “ said the fat detective pompously Holmes is aware of how Jones views his own reputation and is willing to give the credit for the capture of Small to him, because he knows how important it is to him.

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