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Literacy Council of Tyler Entrepreneurial Classes

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Presentation on theme: "Literacy Council of Tyler Entrepreneurial Classes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Literacy Council of Tyler Entrepreneurial Classes

2 Group Picture

3 Program Goal

4 Required Components Contextualized AEL Workforce Training Workforce Preparation Activities Civics

5 Recruitment

6 We started recruiting in August, 2016.
Points We started recruiting in August, 2016. We had several ESL students respond with a YES on our two PIRL questions.

7 Two Questions we added to PIRL
Have you just started a new business or are you interesting in starting a business? If yes above, would you be interested in a class to help you with this process?

8 Selection process Maria Araujo selected students based on their TABE CLAS-E scores, their attendance record and/or teacher feedback. Maria explained the commitment for the entrepreneurial class.

9 Required Commitment The student will continue to attend his regular ESL class three times per week. Additionally, the student will attend one more class session each week for 10 weeks.

10 Curriculum Resources

11 English for Entrepreneurs
AMERICA’S SBDC, NORTH TEXAS has on-line instruction in everything from developing a business plan to creating a competitive edge. Lessons are also available in Spanish

12 English for Entrepreneurs Cont.
We also used U. S. Small Business Administration. And anything else we could find such as Quizlet.

13 https://www. lessonplanet

Business Basics Accounting and Taxation Business Laws & Ethics Relationship Banking Market Analysis and Strategy

15 Wrap Up Graduation Ceremony Students continue in their regular ESL class at least until progress testing is completed. LCOT staff follows up with students to see who has registered a new business.

16 More IET Options We Currently Have
Welding: 3 Medical Administrative Assistant: 7 Clinical Medical Assistant: 4

17 Lessons Learned

18 You must NOT enter their training time in TEAMS.
Points You must be clear on class requirements, especially continuing to study in ESL class. You must NOT enter their training time in TEAMS.

19 January Class We have 33 students enrolled and attending. We plan to add at least the option of completing a Business Plan with Tyler’s Small Business Development Center. We will have to provide a translator.

20 Next Steps

21 FUTURE PLANS Require a written business plan to complete the course. Continue to improve the HBA training based on participant input and TWC guidelines. Continue to promote other IET options for EL Civics.

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