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Organic Chemistry.

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Presentation on theme: "Organic Chemistry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organic Chemistry

2 Carbon Bonding Draw Carbon Lewis structure
Model C2H6 single bond, C2H4 double bond and C2H2 triple bond. Draw the Lewis structure after each.

3 Carbon bonding

4 Summary Poem! Write down 10 key words about carbon bonding.
Now write a poem with those words!

5 Monomers and Polymers Create your own with your materials.
Use 2 of my examples. Find one example on your own.

6 Examples of monomers and polymers
Carbohydrates Nucleic Acid

7 Create a triple bridge map for monomers and polymers

8 Hydrocarbons

9 Uses of Hydrocarbons

10 Saturated alkanes

11 Unsaturated Alkenes and alkynes

12 3…2…1… 3 things you found out, 2 interesting things, and 1 question you still have.

13 Biochemical compounds
Class Elements Example Functions Carbohydrates Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Sugars Starches Cellulose Provides energy to cells, makes up plant cell wall. Proteins Nitrogen Sulfur Enzymes Hormones Speed up biochemical reactions, regulate life processes Lipids Fats Oils Cell membrane Long term energy storage for plants and animals, cell membranes Nucleic Acids Phosphorus DNA RNA Stores genetic information

14 Carbohydrates

15 Proteins Protein Amino Acids

16 Amino Acid R groups

17 Nucleic Acids Polymer = DNA Monomer = Nucleotide

18 Lipids Phospholipid

19 Compare and Contrast Pick two macromolecules and make a quick double bubble map. Have a total of 5 similarities and 5 differences.

20 Photosynthesis

21 Cellular Respiration

22 The cycle

23 Once upon a time… Write a quick 2 minute short story about the recycling of carbon through both processes. For example, what plant is involved in photosynthesis? What does the organism do with the plant? What process does the organism go through? Is that important for other plants?

24 Glue Monomer

25 Naming Alkanes

26 Naming Cycloalkanes

27 Naming Alkenes

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