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2 Psychoactive Drugs Psychoactive Drugs- chemicals that change perceptions and moods Depressants: slow down body functions. Stimulants: arouse body functions. Hallucinogens: distort perceptions or evoke sensation without sensory input.

3 Tolerance If you continue to use a psychoactive drug you will build up a tolerance– or you will have to use a bigger dose each time to get the same effect. Just so you know– alcoholics who do not feel the 1st five drinks still suffer in their hearts, brains, and livers from the alcohol they are tolerating.

4 Withdrawal

5 Withdrawal The body feels physical pain and intense cravings– a physical dependence People also develop psychological dependence– the drugs become an important part of the user’s life, often a way of relieving negative emotions

6 Depressants Alcohol True or False?
In small doses it is a stimulant, but in larger doses it is a depressant. College students drink more alcohol than their non-student peers. Fraternity and sorority members drink three times as much as other students?

7 Depressants Alcohol Slows down sympathetic nervous system.
Disrupts memory processing Suppresses REM sleep– which does not allow one to move experiences into memory Reduces self-awareness. Involved in up to 60% of all crimes. The worst drug (from a macro perspective) out there. impairing judgment More aggressive Sexually daring Lowered inhibitions Future consequences Suppresses sense of right and wrong


9 Depressants Barbiturates Tranquilizers Mimic the effects of alcohol
They are prescribed to induce sleep or reduce anxiety Used to sleep (but reduce REM sleep).

10 Depressants Opiates Heroin and morphine depress neural functions
People become lethargic and blissful pleasure replaces pain. Addition comes fast and the withdrawal symptoms are bad– usually ending in overdose

11 Stimulants Most commonly used– caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, and cocaine

12 Stimulants Increase heart and breathing rates.
Pupils dilate, appetite diminishes (blood sugar increases), energy and self confidence rise When stimulation ends– people crash into fatigue, headaches, irritability, and depression.

13 Cocaine Coca leaves can be chewed by people and animals– without harmful effect. But when snorted or smoked (free-based) it enters the blood stream The rush of Euphoria lasts 15 to 30 minutes Side effects: emotional disturbances, suspiciousness, convulsions, cardiac arrest, respiratory failure, nasal deterioration

14 Crack and Ecstasy Ecstasy Crack Both a stimulant and hallucinogen
Triggers the release of dopamine and serotonin and then blocks the reabsorption Side effects: dehydration which can cause death, severe overheating, damage to serotonin and dopamine-producing neurons, suppresses immune system, impairs memory and cognitive functions Crack Works even faster than cocaine– produces a more intense but briefer high More intense crash Side effects: emotional disturbances, suspiciousness, convulsions, cardiac arrest, respiratory failure, nasal deterioration

15 Crystal Meth


17 Hallucinogens Distort perceptions and evoke vivid images in the absence of sensory input LSD (Acid) developed and accidentally ingested in 1943 Emotions vary from euphoria to detachment to panic Some feel separated from their bodies and feel panic stricken and harm themselves Can cause PTSD & schizophrenia.

18 Hallucinogens Marijuana THC Tetrahydrocannabinol active ingredient
The mix of effects on the body make it difficult to classify Like alcohol, marijuana relaxes– but it also act as a mild hallucinogen by amplify sensitivity to colors, sounds, tastes, and smells If a person feels anxious or depressed it may intensify these feelings. Medicinal purposes? nausea from chemotherapy, severe AIDS related weight loss, pain from glaucoma (used with a medical inhaler)

19 Hallucinogens Marijuana– Consequences
It is a carcinogen– the toxicity of the smoke causes cancer, lung damage, and complications with pregnancy Impairs motor coordination, perceptual skills, and reaction time necessary for safely operating automobiles, disrupts memory formation, interferes with immediate recall of information It makes the brain more susceptible to cocaine and heroine addiction THC stays in the body over a month

20 Consider these trends Proportion of students who believed there is “great risk” in regular marijuana use % % % Peaking in 1978, Marijuana use declined through 1992, but has been rising since then

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