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Final Assignment Template

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1 Final Assignment Template

2 Final Assignment Context
Welcome to the culminating exercise for the course. In this assignment, you will be asked to apply the ideas and concepts you have learned to your work at Telenor to make the ideas as relevant as possible. Most business and group units will hold a post-course workshop wherein you will have the opportunity to share this work. Thus this is not simply an exercise for the course but the next step for Telenor to truly apply these ideas and start to embrace a new way of working. As you embark on this assignment, please recall that it will take time for Telenor to embrace this more agile method of working, so do not be discouraged if your work on this assignment does not immediately bear fruit. Ultimately we are working to develop the muscles to be more agile and innovative so we have them when we need them.

3 Final Assignment Instructions
For the final assignment, please identify a current project you are involved with that you suspect may benefit from a more “red” way of working. This could be a product or service or internal project (for example consider the mini-cases on Telenor Common Operations and Telenor India as examples). For this project draw upon all the ideas we have covered in the course to develop a set of recommendations for how this project (whether planned or in process) could be conducted in a more “red” way. In your recommendations please address the following at a minimum: 1 .Brief summary/current state of project and key uncertainties there may be in the project 2. Who are the customers/users for this project (think of the personas or customer groups)? 3. What problem does the project aim to tackle (what is the root problem or jobs to be done)? 4. What are the potential unaddressed assumptions about the customer need, solution, or business model? 5. Recommendations about opportunities to apply “red” ways of work to reduce cycle time and increase learning about critical assumptions. For example, are there key assumptions to be validated, experiments that could be run, or ways to break the project into smaller pieces to decrease cycle time. Please fill in this Final Assignment template and convert it to PDF before you upload it. Note that the Final Assignment is an INDIVIDUAL and not a group submission.

4 1. Brief summary/current state of project and key uncertainties there may be in the project.

5 2. Who are the customers/users for this project (think of the personas or customer groups)?

6 3. What problem does the project aim to tackle (what is the root problem or jobs to be done)?

7 4. What are the potential unaddressed assumptions about the customer need, solution, or business model?

8 5. Recommendations about opportunities to apply “red” ways of work to reduce cycle time and increase learning about critical assumptions. For example, are there key assumptions to be validated, experiments that could be run, or ways to break the project into smaller pieces to decrease cycle time.

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