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Walking the walk: Practical tools for motivating performance

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1 Walking the walk: Practical tools for motivating performance
Shay Starling & Ronda Bourn Dr. Natalie Wright Dixon

2 About the ESA

3 Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF4) Grant
USDOE-funded program for improving teacher effectiveness and student outcomes Historically focused on educator evaluation, PD, and performance pay for effective teaching TIF4 expanded focus to educator evaluation; alternative compensation system; professional learning; teacher career ladder; and human capital management system (HCMS). 8 of NEFEC’s districts participate Professional Development Performance Management Recruitment Induction Human Capital Management System Selection Mentoring Compensation

4 An Evolution An Expanded Model of Instructional Improvement
Effective Human Capital Management: Comprehensive and Aligned strategies across all Human Capital functions Competency-based strategies and decisions Fair and Valid evaluation data used to inform decisions Transparent Communication from district- and school-level staff to teachers and students

5 A Revolution Our Lessons Learned
Motivating and engaging teachers is critical, but often missing. Changing the system changes teacher perceptions – but lasting impacts on student learning require… Actively engaging teachers in the processes of their work. Seeking out teachers’ opinions and treating them as professionals. Clear, transparent, and aligned goals and priorities.

6 A Revolution Our Lessons Learned
Effective performance management is the answer. The ultimate outcome of effective Human Capital Management is retention of highly effective educators. This is accomplished through… Goal-setting that is meaningful, participative, and measurable. Feedback that is practical, useful, frequent, and consistent. Evaluation processes that are informative and empowering, not punitive. Placement decisions that consider (and leverage!) individual strengths. Professional Learning that promotes personal accountability.

7 Practical Tools for Motivating Performance Diagnose, Prescribe, Improve!
Motivational Climate Assessment (MCA): Diagnoses motivational climate across 4 major domains and 32 specific organizational factors Prescribes a precise set of strategies for enhancing teacher engagement, motivation, and performance ProMES® Performance Management & Retention: Improves engagement, performance, and retention of highly effective employees through a self-driven system for goal-setting, measurement, feedback, and accountability.

8 Assessing Motivational Climate Why does it matter?
Motivational Climate is… NOT an internal, personality trait or individual characteristic. NOT just attitudes, emotions, satisfaction, or commitment. The “human” side of Human Capital. Understanding how and why organizational functions impact employee motivation, engagement, and performance arms us with the tools we need to improve them.

9 Assessing Motivational Climate How did we do it?
Motivational Climate Assessment (MCA): Validated, evidence-based, practical. Diagnostic and prescriptive. Based on assumptions that motivation is a process impacted by the organization:

10 Motivational Climate Diagnosis Empowerment & Control over Performance

11 Motivational Climate Diagnosis Quality & Fairness of Evaluations

12 Motivational Climate Diagnosis Fairness of Outcomes

13 Motivational Climate Diagnosis Value of Outcomes

14 Now we know… So what do we do about it?
ProMES® Performance Management & Retention: Productivity Measurement & Enhancement System – 35 years of multinational success Short-term facilitation + web-based software for ongoing internal feedback How it works:

15 Motivation Matters! Comparison Group Findings

16 Motivation Matters! The Real Impact
“ProMES is playing a major role in strengthening our ability to analyze our internal systems and adjust workflow processes to maximize our return on investment (ROI) to our school districts. It has allowed us to quantify the effectiveness of our services and demonstrate our value to our stakeholders.” – Dr. Patrick Wnek Executive Director, NEFEC

17 Motivation Matters! The Real Impact
“These processes have made me more deliberate about tracking what I do. I really see the value in measuring our performance, not for punitive reasons, but for reasons of improving our service to districts. It reminds us every day that our jobs are not detached from the people we serve. We all have the same goal and we are all accountable.” – Anna Rossano-Arnold Manager of Instructional Special Projects, NEFEC

18 Motivation Matters! The Real Impact
“We have seen our districts evolve. They understand the importance of motivation and are asking critical questions in order to make changes. They want to know specifically how their HCMS practices are working to engage their teachers. They want to know which strategies make their teachers better. And they want to know how to KEEP them in the places they’re needed most.” – Jennifer Rivera Supervisor of Curriculum & Instruction, NEFEC

19 Motivation Matters! The Real Impact
“Our principals now have actual, quantitative data on the motivation of their teachers. Within each school, and across the district, we can sit down and ask: “Which things are working and which things aren’t?” As a result, we’ve identified some specific strategies for improving the PD, coaching, observation, and evaluation processes we were already implementing.” - Diane Dyer Director of Curriculum, Flagler County Schools

20 Shay Starling Ronda Bourn Dr. Natalie Dixon

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