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Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism

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1 Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism
Definition, Causes & Ideology

2 Intro: 2016 Election-What role do Clinton and Trump see for America in the World?
Hillary Clinton: CNN interview on America’s world position in combating terrorism. Donald Trump: campaign speech outlining plan to combat terrorism.

3 Definition of Imperialism
Imperialism: When a country controls another country or region. Imperialism almost always hurts the controlled country. It undermines the sovereigny of a people. Control political leaders, the economy (what people make and how), the military and/or the culture (what language people speak, internalized racism, religion, etc.) How? : with military force, violence --- but, also with help of local leaders, and media (newspapers, schools, television, etc.)

4 Europe and the Rest of the World: 1780s-1950s

5 Rationale for Imperialism
Overseas expansion seen as a cure-all for overcivilization, the economic depression and the closing of the frontier. Battling “others” for land would enhance American virtues and secure profitable markets 1893-economic depression-unemployment was at 25% By the end of the 19th century Britain had 50 colonies France had 33 colonies Germany had 13 colonies U.S. need to get in on that action!!

6 Reasons for Imperialism (not public)
Economic: Expand business interests, want natural resources from around the world (land, coal, minerals) and consumers (to sell goods) Political: competition among imperialists; more colonies = more prestige (masculinity); distraction from population rebellion (think strikes!) Religious/Cultural/Social Darwinism: belief religion/culture is best; everybody should follow U.S., Whites are superior race (ideological white supremacy). Military: control countries to set up military bases; navy needs coaling ports, exert power on regions American Frontier closed: Expand or explode.

7 Justifications for Domination
Imperialists never say: yea, so I’m going to abuse you. Justifications: what is expressed publicly Humanitarian Mission: to help the colonized; under other dominion, or stupid Civilization: the colonized are stupid/backward; must civilize them for their own good! Self Defense: the colonized are a threat! Must destroy/control them before they destroy us Sounds familiar? 



10 Imperialism Debates

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