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Information Systems in Global Business Today

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1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Topics:- The Role of Information Systems in Business Today Perspectives on Information Systems – what , composition Contemporary Approaches to Information Systems

The MIS has more than one definition 1. a system which provides information support for decision making in the organization. 2. an integrated system of people and machine for providing the information to support the operations, the management and the decision making function in the organization.

3. a system based on the database of the organization evolved for the purpose of providing information to the people in the organization. 4. a Computer . based information System.

4 Overall meaning “a system to support the decision making function in the organization”.

5 Management? The art of getting things done through and with the people in formally organized groups by doing planning, organising, leading and controlling.

6 information? is data that is processed and is presented in a form which assists decision maker.


8 system? A set of elements which are joined together to achieve a common objective. The elements are interrelated and interdependent. A system has one or multiple inputs, these inputs are processed through a transformation process to convert these input( s) to output.

9 Input: Captures raw data from organization or external environment
Processing: Converts raw data into meaningful form Output: Transfers processed information to people or activities that use it - Feedback: Output returned to appropriate members of organization to help evaluate or correct input stage

10 Why Information Systems??
Four powerful worldwide changes have altered the business environment: Emergence of the Global Economy Transformation of Industrial Economies Transformation of the Business Enterprise The Emerging Digital Firm

11 Globalization Management & control in a global marketplace Competition in world markets Global work groups Global delivery systems

12 Transformation of Industrial Economies
Knowledge- and information-based economies New products and services Knowledge:A central productive and strategic asset Time-based competition Shorter product life Turbulent environment Limited employee knowledge base

13 Transformation of the Enterprise
Flattening Decentralization Flexibility Location Independence Low Transaction & Coordination Costs Empowerment Collaborative work and teamwork

14 Transformation of the Enterprise

15 Emergence of the Digital Firm
Digitally enabled relationships with customers, suppliers, and employees Core business processes accomplished via digital networks Digital management of key corporate assets Rapid sensing and responding to environmental changes

16 Emergence of the Digital Firm

17 The functions of MIS

18 Perspectives on Information Systems
Management dimension of information system Managers set organizational strategy for responding to business challenges In addition, managers must act creatively: Creation of new products and services Occasionally re-creating the organization

19 Perspectives on Information Systems
Technology dimension of information systems Computer hardware and software Data management technology Networking and telecommunications technology Networks, the Internet, intranets and extranets, World Wide Web IT infrastructure: provides platform that system is built on

20 Contemporary Approaches to Information Systems
Information systems are sociotechnical systems. Although they are composed of machines, devices, and "hard" physical technology, they require substantial social, organizational, and intellectual investments to make them work properly. Since problems with information systems—and their solutions—are rarely all technical or behavioral, a multidisciplinary approach is needed. Technical approach Behavioral approach

21 Contemporary approaches to information system.

22 The Technical approach to Information System emphasizes Mathematically
based model to study Information Systems, as well as physical Technology and formal capabilities of these Systems. The Disciplines that contribute to the Technical approach are Computer Science, Management Science and Operations Research.

23 Technical approach Computer science Management science
Theories of computability Methods of computation Methods of efficient data storage and access Models for decision making Management practices Management science

24 Technical approach Operations research
Mathematical techniques for optimizing selected parameters of organizations, such as transportation, inventory control, etc.

25 Behavioral Approach Sociology Psychology Economics
Development of systems System affect individual, groups, and organization. How human decision makers perceive and use formal information . Impacts to firm and within markets - on control - cost structures

26 Sociotechnical view Optimal organizational performance achieved by jointly optimizing both social and technical systems used in production Helps avoid purely technological approach

27 Socio-Technical Systems
SOURCE: Liker, et al, 1987 Figure 1-6

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