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1 Dr George Knight Studies In Salvation:

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2 1 Dr George Knight Studies In Salvation:
One Persons Journey,The Unity of Salvation 1. What is the biggest challenge as we think about salvation? Explain. 2. What are the greatest dangers about the bits and pieces approach to soteriological issues? 3. What are the implications of the problem of having both biblical and theological definitions for the same word or concept or experience? Why (or why not) is this an important understanding? 4. If there is there a central word that holds all theological concepts and all ethical concepts together, what would that word be? Why select that word? Illustrate your point. How does that word accomplish the unity function? 5. Does the NT wedding garment represent justification or sanctification? How do you know? 6. In what ways can the big picture of salvation affect my preaching, teaching, counseling? Be specific.  a. STUDIES IN SALVATION: ONE PERSON'S JOURNEY, PART 1, THE UNITY OF SALVATION    b. STUDIES IN SALVATION: ONE PERSON'S JOURNEY, PART 2, PERFECTION, SINLESSNESS, AND THE NATURE                 OF CHRIST    c. THE CONTROVERTED LITTLE BOOK OF REVELATION 10 AND THE SHAPE OF APOCALYPTIC MISSION 3. The questions for each topic:   a. Topic 1    b. Topic 2      1. Is sinless living important? Why?      2. Can you as an individual claim perfection today? On what basis? Can you claim sinlessness today? On what basis?      3. How have wrong definitions of sinlessness and perfection impacted the Adventist church? What steps can we take to help our partitioners/students have a healthier approach?      4. What is the heart of the SDA struggle over the human nature of Christ? How can we approach the topic in a healthier way?      5. If you were approached by a person with a handfull of Ellen White quotations implying the need for sinless perfection , how could or should you meet the situation?    c. Topic 3      1. Should it matter if our understanding of Rev. 10 is our of harmony with the great majority of Revelation scholars? Why or why not?      2. What are the impications of the unity of prophecy? How can we utilize that unity across Daniel and Revelation (and Matt. 24 and 2 Thess 2) to increase our understanding of even difficult concepts?      3. What can we learn from the flow of the "how long" question in the Bible?      4. Some claim that we have outgrown the 19th century Adventist approach to prophecy. Reflect on that. In what ways might it be true? In what ways might it be false?      5. Are the doctrines of eschatology, Sabbath, and sanctuary three separate fundamental beliefs in the book of Revelation or are they one? Unpack that thought Discuss its various implications.      6. What would the SDA church look like without the message in the heart of the book of Revelation?       7. What is the meaning of relevance in an ever changing world? In what ways is the Adventist prophetic message relevant and/or irrelevant in 2015?

3 2 Dr George Knight Studies in Salvation:
One Person’s Journey, Perfection, Sinlessness, and the Nature of Christ 1. Is sinless living important? Why? 2. Can you as an individual claim perfection today? On what basis? Can you claim sinlessness today? On what basis? 3. How have wrong definitions of sinlessness and perfection impacted the Adventist church? What steps can we take to help our partitioners/students have a healthier approach? 4. What is the heart of the SDA struggle over the human nature of Christ? How can we approach the topic in a healthier way? 5. If you were approached by a person with a handful of Ellen White quotations implying the need for sinless perfection , how could or should you meet the situation?  a. STUDIES IN SALVATION: ONE PERSON'S JOURNEY, PART 1, THE UNITY OF SALVATION    b. STUDIES IN SALVATION: ONE PERSON'S JOURNEY, PART 2, PERFECTION, SINLESSNESS, AND THE NATURE                 OF CHRIST    c. THE CONTROVERTED LITTLE BOOK OF REVELATION 10 AND THE SHAPE OF APOCALYPTIC MISSION 3. The questions for each topic:   a. Topic 1    b. Topic 2    c. Topic 3      1. Should it matter if our understanding of Rev. 10 is our of harmony with the great majority of Revelation scholars? Why or why not?      2. What are the impications of the unity of prophecy? How can we utilize that unity across Daniel and Revelation (and Matt. 24 and 2 Thess 2) to increase our understanding of even difficult concepts?      3. What can we learn from the flow of the "how long" question in the Bible?      4. Some claim that we have outgrown the 19th century Adventist approach to prophecy. Reflect on that. In what ways might it be true? In what ways might it be false?      5. Are the doctrines of eschatology, Sabbath, and sanctuary three separate fundamental beliefs in the book of Revelation or are they one? Unpack that thought Discuss its various implications.      6. What would the SDA church look like without the message in the heart of the book of Revelation?       7. What is the meaning of relevance in an ever changing world? In what ways is the Adventist prophetic message relevant and/or irrelevant in 2015?

4 3 Dr George Knight The Controverted Little Book of Revelation10
and the Shape of Apocalyptic Mission 1. Should it matter if our understanding of Rev. 10 is our of harmony with the great majority of Revelation scholars? Why or why not? 2. What are the impications of the unity of prophecy? How can we utilize that unity across Daniel and Revelation (and Matt. 24 and 2 Thess 2) to increase our understanding of even difficult concepts? 3. What can we learn from the flow of the "how long" question in the Bible? 4. Some claim that we have outgrown the 19th century Adventist approach to prophecy. Reflect on that. In what ways might it be true? In what ways might it be false? 5. Are the doctrines of eschatology, Sabbath, and sanctuary three separate fundamental beliefs in the book of Revelation or are they one? Unpack that thought Discuss its various implications. 6. What would the SDA church look like without the message in the heart of the book of Revelation?  7. What is the meaning of relevance in an ever changing world? In what ways is the Adventist prophetic message relevant and/or irrelevant in 2015?

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