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Environmental Policy & Outlook Conference The Ohio State University

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1 Environmental Policy & Outlook Conference The Ohio State University
. Environmental Policy & Outlook Conference The Ohio State University Trish Demeter May 15, 2018


3 Why Should We Shape Our Energy Future?
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to a warming climate – CO2 and methane Improve health outcomes for 880,000+ Ohioans living with asthma, 179,000+ of which are children New economic and job opportunities to add to the 105,000+ Ohioans working in clean energy sector

4 Global Trends in Clean Energy
Global renewable energy capacity surpasses that of coal 500,000 - Number of solar panels installed every day in 2015 around the world 2 every hour - rate of wind turbine installations in China in 2015 10.2 billion tons - Amount of CO2 emissions avoided through energy efficiency since 1990

5 Midwestern Trends in Clean Energy
. Illinois Clean Jobs Bill: Expected to grow solar capacity to 500,000 homes Increases efficiency investments Grow wind capacity to 1,300 megawatts Mixed bag - contained nuclear subsidies Midwestern Trends in Clean Energy

6 Midwestern Trends in Clean Energy
Michigan RPS Bill: Increased mandatory RPS to 15% by 2021 Voluntary goal of 35% by 2025 Clean energy investments top $3 Billion since 2008 . Midwestern Trends in Clean Energy

7 Shaping Ohio’s Portfolio - RPS
By end of year Renewable Energy Solar Energy 2009 0.25% 0.004% 2010 0.5% 0.01% 2011 1% 0.03% 2012 1.5% 0.06% 2013 2% 0.09% 2014 2.5% 0.12% 2015 3.5% 0.15% 2016 4.5% 0.18% 2017 5.5% 0.22% 2018 6.5% 0.26% 2019 7.5% 0.3% 2020 8.5% 0.34% 2021 9.5% 0.38% 2022 10.5% 0.42% 2023 11.5% 0.46% 2024 + 12.5%

8 Shaping Ohio’s Portfolio – Big RE Buyers
Corporate purchases leading to the construction of new wind and solar farms are on the rise 2015 – over ½ of new wind farms built via direct procurement Source:


10 The Electric Grid of Yesterday

11 The Decarbonized Grid of Tomorrow

12 Encourage & Enable Distributed Energy Resources (DERs)
Study and assess the value that DERs provide Update rate structures and tariffs Get net metering regulations in line with market trends Enable community solar

13 Questions & Thank you TRISH DEMETER VP of Policy, Energy

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