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The role of Supreme Audit Institutions in fragile situations: initial findings Research by David Goldsworthy and Silvia Stefanoni of Development Action.

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Presentation on theme: "The role of Supreme Audit Institutions in fragile situations: initial findings Research by David Goldsworthy and Silvia Stefanoni of Development Action."— Presentation transcript:

1 The role of Supreme Audit Institutions in fragile situations: initial findings
Research by David Goldsworthy and Silvia Stefanoni of Development Action for the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee Synergy Meeting: SAIs in fragile situations Washington, 20 September

2 Key challenges for SAIs in fragile situations
Political no control on appointments distrust of SAI Economic insufficient resources poor infrastructure Societal citizens engagement compromised Environmental disasters power supply Security no go areas threats to staff Key challenges for SAIs in fragile situations

3 Major focus on building own capacity to deliver good enough audits
Compliance/judicial audit more than financial audit Building relations of trust with government and citizens Working with public service commission to gain more control over recruitment Improving governance – integrity to combat corruption risk SAI responses

4 State building opportunities for SAIs operating in fragile situations
Strengthening financial capacity of auditees and parliament Helping governments identify and manage risks in key areas of fragility Promoting a culture of inclusiveness Building citizens’ confidence in the responsiveness of the state Providing independent information

5 What do SAIs in fragile situations want from development partners
Satisfied at level of consultation – development partners listen but Need politically astute advocates – able to support SAI independence Want aid to be contingent on improved transparency and accountability Need longer more predictable and flexible funding - limited absorption capacity Need support for SAI leadership, alliance building, out reach and follow up of audits Need help acquiring capital funds What do SAIs in fragile situations want from development partners

6 What do SAIs in fragile situations want from INTOSAI
A forum for SAIs in fragile situations to share lessons and strategies Advocacy in major international and regional fora – Timor Este group, Ministries of Finance, Parliaments, Public Service Commissions Guidance on implementing ISSAIs in low capacity situations Training for peer-SAIs on how to develop effective partnerships Support for Franco-phone network of SAIs What do SAIs in fragile situations want from INTOSAI

7 Thank you .

8 Ineffective parliaments
Political Fragility Actions taken by SAIs Challenges Focus on organisational integrity - lead by example Concerted effort to build alliances with reformers Produce balanced audit reports and build relations with government Public Education campaigns Lobbying to bring legislation in line with international standards Negotiating greater control over recruitment and wages Pervasive corruption Lack of independence Weak rule of law SAI seen as a threat Ineffective parliaments Over the next five slides, I am going to use the five dimensions of fragility used by the OECD to explore the challenges facing SAIs and provide some example of ways SAIs are responding to these challenges. Presenter to run through the major challenges and key actions as per slide text and use the following examples to illustrate specific actions taken A key aspect of independence is the ability to recruit the staff you need - SAI Sudan have been fighting a largely successful battle to gain this right – using international comparison and persistence they are gradually gaining the control they need - helping SAIs Building trust - SAI Palestine and SAI Somalia have produced simplified guides to their work so that citizens can better understand the role and support the activities of the SAI Tackling risk of corruption in SAIs - SAI Iraq has teams based in the ministries however, whenever there are hints of corruption, the teams are immediately replaced with new teams unknown to the auditees Appointments politicized

9 Economic Fragility Challenges Actions taken by SAIs
Poor infrastructure Start with compliance and/or judicial audit Develop capacity in key economic areas Recruit from the private sector and diaspora Major investment in strengthening human resources Produce evidence based budget submission Develop longer term partnership with donors including support for infrastructure Highly bureaucratic environment and large public sector Insufficient and unpredictable budgets - donor dependency Weak public financial management Presenter to run through the major challenges and key actions as per slide text and use the following examples to illustrate specific actions taken Finding creative ways of recruiting staff from the private sector -SAI Liberia faced with limited pool of qualified auditors in the public sectors recruited some key staff from the private sector by using the allocated budget for salaries flexibly Being clear about what can be delivered when budgets are insufficient - SAI Mali faced with decreasing resources was able to select a smaller number of audits and limit their scope – focusing on areas of greatest population density. Weak human resource capacity

10 Societal Fragility Challenges Actions taken by SAIs
Exclusion and/or under-representation of some groups e.g. women Establish new communication unit with donor support to engage with citizens and communicate the results of audits reports Lack of democratic spaces for, and dialogue with, civil society High level of citizens’ distrust of the government Presenter to run through the major challenges and key actions as per slide text and use the following examples to illustrate specific actions taken The ties which bind citizens to governments and state are in many fragile situations very weak – whole groups in the community can feel marginalized on ethnic, religious and gender grounds. Many SAIs are seeking to strengthen their communication units and put in place public education programmes to promote and facilitate greater engagement with citizens. However, for some, this could undermine the trust they are training to build with government and thus needs to be approached with care. From the interviews conducted to date it would appear that SAIs are not developing strategies for recruiting a diverse work force

11 Environmental Fragility
Challenges Actions taken by SAIs Unreliable energy supply Disasters Building capacity on key environmental audit areas Presenter to run through the major challenges and key actions as per slide text SAI Sierra Leone conducted an audit of the Ebola response which had significant impact and lessons for planning future responses to epidemics There would appear to be scope for SAIs in fragile contexts to look at the Guide to Business Continuity Planning – developed by CAROSAI and PASAI for CBC. Pandemics

12 Security Fragility Challenges Actions taken by SAIs
Build alliances with local leaders and strengthen engagement with community Provide security to staff working in dangerous areas Rotate staff regularly and provide psychological support to staff Destruction of financial records Staff receiving threats Presenter to run through the major challenges and key actions as per slide text and use the following examples to illustrate specific actions taken SAI Afghanistan is fostering relationship with local community leaders in order to gain safe access to areas of the country which are still challenging from a security perspective Not able to operate in parts of the country because of violence

13 State building opportunities for SAIs operating in fragile situations
SAIs can build financial capacity of auditees and parliament by training and supporting parliamentarians and staff issuing audit reports with clear implementable recommendations targeting performance audit on efficiency issues Presenter to run through the major points as per text and use the following examples to illustrate specific actions taken SAI Afghanistan and Iraq are examples of SAIs working with MOFs to improve financial skills across government SAI Liberia has made significant effort in improving the accessibility of its reports

14 State building opportunities for SAIs operating in fragile situations
SAIs can support governments in managing risks in areas of fragility by identifying and targeting audits in priorities areas such as: management of natural resources, taxation, debt management, budget setting, mapping of government revenues including donors’ contributions, police and military services, judiciary Presenter to run through the major points as per text and use the following examples to illustrate specific actions taken SAI Sudan for example identified the banking sector has a key area of risks and focused substantial effort in this sector

15 State building opportunities for SAIs operating in fragile situations
SAIs can lead by example in promoting a culture of inclusiveness by implementing inclusive human resources policies and practices Presenter to run through the slide as per slide text Although this an important area it seems to remain low priority for SAIs in fragiles contexts

16 State building opportunities for SAIs operating in fragile situations
SAIs can build citizens’ confidence in the responsiveness of the government by promoting transparency and accountability to citizens of government services and actions engaging with citizens’ groups to respond to public concerns and conduct performance audits in areas of high public interest communicating the roles and benefits of SAIs to citizens and other key stakeholders Presenter to run through the major points as per text and use the following examples to illustrate specific actions taken SAI Sierra Leone is undertaking performance audits of the availability of medicines in pharmacies in response to concerns raised by citizens about corruption

17 State building opportunities for SAIs operating in fragile situations
SAIs can provide independent information by Strengthening their capacity to produce high quality audits Providing relevant accessible information on key areas of risk/fragility Presenter to run through the major points as per text and use the following examples to illustrate specific actions taken All SAIs interviewed see this area as one of their core contributions to reducing fragility. In some cases, where a SAI is not able to conduct a full audit, merely putting accurate information in the public domain makes a contribution. The work SAI South Sudan did, for example, in gathering and publishing core information on who owned what oil drilling rights proved of considerable value to citizens and other stakeholders.

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