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EQ #8 – AGEC 105 – October 14, 2013 (4pts) E MC $ D 50 ATC AVC C 30 B

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Presentation on theme: "EQ #8 – AGEC 105 – October 14, 2013 (4pts) E MC $ D 50 ATC AVC C 30 B"— Presentation transcript:

1 EQ #8 – AGEC 105 – October 14, 2013 (4pts) E MC $ D 50 ATC AVC C 30 B
E MC $ D 50 ATC C AVC 30 B 16 14 A 25 30 32 40 Q (units)

2 MVP = MIC E MC $ D 50 ATC C AVC 30 B 16 14 A Q 25 30 32 40 (units)
(1/2 pt) 2. The supply curve for the firm is line segment ABCDE. True or False. FALSE, BCDE (1/2 pt) 3. If a commodity sells for $30/unit and you determine that the MPP for the use of land in the production of this commodity to be 200 units/acre, what is the MVP of the land? MVP = P0 x MPP = ($30/unit)(200 units/acre) = $6,000/acre (1/2 pt) 4. What is the rule to determine the optimal level of input use? MVP = MIC

3 Random Question What occupation in the public arena (not the private section) in the most states enjoys the highest salary? Football Coach

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