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Love & Fire.

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Presentation on theme: "Love & Fire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Love & Fire

2 Cat & TV


4 Soccer player & Eraser




8 Metaphorical Thinking
STEP II Jeans are too difficult to wear at first. Puppies are too difficult to tame at first. If your jean is so tight, it is too painful to take off. If you love your dog so much, it is too painful when you apart. For example…

9 Extended Metaphorical Linking
Familiar strange with bear. How bear is like underground heating system? How food chain is like people in my classroom?

10 How many steps of analogies ?

11 Plants’ photosynthesis is like
Teach photosynthesis.  absorb light energy  change that into energy change that energy into chlrophil and make CO2 into O2 Teacher explains how it is like a car. What would you feel if you are solar energy that transform into co2 and O2?

12 Flexibility and Skill in Decision Making
The ability to look at a situation from many points of view or to generate many categories of responses. Why didn’t the three bears have Goldilocks arrested? Isn’t it racist to write a book about keeping an Indian in a cupboard?

13 5) Categorization

14 Plants

15 Book , Lunch, Break, Voice, Hands, Eyes
Mind, Restaurant

16 돈으로 살 수 있는 것 (Things can buy with money)
돈으로 살 수 없는 것 (Things cannot buy with money) Book, Lunch, Restaurant, Eyes(?) Hands, Break, Voice, Mind 움직이는 것 (Moving things) 움직이지 않는 것 (Not moving things) Hands, Eyes Book, Lunch, Restaurant, Break, Voice, Mind 생활에 필요한 것 (Things we need for our lives) 생활에 필요하지 않은 것 Lunch, Break, Voice, Hands, Eyes, Mind, Restaurant Book 우리 엄마에게 필요한 것 (Things my mom need ) 우리 엄마에게 필요하지 않은 것 Break Book, Lunch, Voice, Hands, Eyes, Mind, Restaurant

17 Homework Summarize characteristics of creative people.
Choose at least 3 types of metaphorical linking and make your own activities using them for the purpose of using them in your English lesson. Explain why and how you are going to use them in your teaching. Read cognitive characteristics in chapter 5 again and try to develop ideas for ELT from the rest of the characteristics that are not discussed today. (select at least two)

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